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08 Heritage Studies5

Reconstruction and the West

carpetbagger Northerner who moved to the South to get a government job after the Civil War
fraud act of cheating to gain something unlawfully
impeach to accuse a public official of wrongdoing while in office
scalawag white Southerner who worked with Northerners during Reconstruction
segregate to separate people from the rest of society because of differences such as skin color or religion
vigilante justice when a person takes the law into his own hands or is in agreement with someone taking the law into his own hands but has no legal authority to do so
Ku Klux Klan a secret group that arose in the South after the Civil War and used violent methods to prevent black people from exercising their civil rights
Andrew Johnson vice president who became president after Abraham Lincoln died
cowboys job branding cows that was often immigrants and black people
railroad helped settle the West by bringing easterners west
Battle of the Little Bighorn led by George Custer, Sitting Bull, and Crazy Horse
common conflict in the West conflict between ranchers and sheepmen
Thirteenth Amendment outlawed slavery
Freedmen’s Bureau provided food and clothing to freed slaves and poor white Southerners and set up schools for black people
Black Codes laws that Southern states passed that limited the rights of black Americans
Fifteenth Amendment prevented states from denying black people the right to vote
Jim Crow laws laws that the Democrats passed during Reconstruction to segregate black people and discriminate against them
the Bible influences people to support the equality of black and white citizens
Fourteenth Amendment defended civil rights
Reconstruction Act of 1867 passed by Congress to establish military control of states that seceded from the Union and to ensure that new governments had racial equality
how the westward expansion brought opportunity to some people and injustices to others Many immigrants made a new life in the West through hard work. Native Americans suffered much injustice as they were pushed off their land.
Created by: dsaffcls
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