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07 Heritage Studies5

The Civil War

munition weapons, ammunition, and equipment used in war
negotiate to discuss or bargain between two or more parties in order to reach an agreement
slavery what the Southern states based their economy on in early colonial times
Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 required Americans to return runaway slaves to their owners
Dred Scott case case that the Supreme Court ruled against involving a slave suing his owners to receive his freedom
abolitionists wanted to end slavery immediately
scouting the act of spying to gather information about the enemy’s positions and weaknesses
secede the act of removing oneself from an organization or alliance, many states choose to do after the election of 1860
South Carolina first state to leave the Union
Confederate States of America name of the new union that seven states formed after the election of 1860
started Civil War Confederate forces attacked Fort Sumter
siege a military operation in which a city or fort is completely surrounded, cutting off help and supplies in order to force a surrender
siegeworks a temporary fortification where guns are mounted
Antietam bloodiest single-day battle of the Civil War was fought
Appomattox Courthouse where Robert E. Lee surrendered
Emancipation Proclamation notice that promised to free all enslaved people
Gettysburg battle that had a profound influence on the Civil War
Reconstruction period after the Civil War when America was being rebuilt by reuniting the nation physically, socially, and politically
states’ rights principle that the federal government has only limited authority over each state
Abraham Lincoln Republican president who opposed slavery, Republican candidate in 1860
Ulysses S. Grant Union general that the president trusted the most
Robert E. Lee Confederate general who was the most famous and became the superintendent of West Point
Thomas Jackson Confederate general who stood “like a stone wall” during the battle of Bull Run
George McClellan Union general who attempted to capture Richmond from the Confederates in the Peninsular Campaign
William T. Sherman captured and burned Atlanta, an important rail hub for the Confederacy
what the election of 1860 meant for many Southerners It meant the end of their way of life. They did not know how to live without slaves.
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