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02 Heritage Studies5

European Exploration and Settlement

caravan a group of traders who travel together to trade and sell their goods
compass Chinese invention that allowed sailors to know which direction they were sailing
quadrant a tool invented by the Arabs that sailors used to determine their location
small triangular sails gives a ship power
Dias explored the coast of Africa for Portugal
Columbus set foot on an island in the Americas in 1492
Las Casas became a monk and wrote about the treatment of the American Indians
John Smith made the colonists at Jamestown work in the fields
Peter Stuyvesant governed New Netherland
New France settlement that made an agreement with the Iroquois and Hurons, established fur trading, and had to fight cold weather
Vasco da Gama first person to sail from Europe to India
Jamestown colony founded by England where many colonists refused to work
Plymouth colony where Patuxet Indian taught Pilgrims to grow food
the pope declared that Indians were humans with souls
Puritans people who wanted to change the Church of England by removing the false teachings and practices
Separatists people who started their own churches and kept apart from the Church of England
indentured servants people became this to pay for their voyage to America
John Winthrop first governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony who wanted the community to be a model of Christian love
persevere what Columbus persuaded his restless men to do
Massachusetts Bay Colony set us a congregational church government
Powhatan chief of several woodland tribes in the Chesapeake Bay area
how English cities motivated people to start colonies religious reasons because English cities had become wicked
Popular U.S. History sets



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