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Cold War

Events, terms & people

communism a system in which goods are owned in common and are available to all as needed
capitalism an economic system in which property is privately owned and controlled and demand and supply freely set prices in markets. The essential feature of capitalism is the motive to make a profit.
Origins of the Cold War, Countries & groups involved After the Truman doctrine and the Yalta Conference the US began to align themselves with NATO allies and USSR aligned themselves with the Warsaw Pact allies
How did the Cold War with the USSR affect events both inside and outside the U.S.? Domestic - promoted patriotism and and the Red Scare "McCarthyism" Foreign - Truman Doctrine and the Marshall plan
arms race the build of of nuclear weapons between the US and USSR
Containment stopping the spread of Communism
Domino Theory the theory if one nation fell to Communism that neighboring countries would also fall
Proxy war an armed conflict between two states which act on the instigation or on behalf of other parties that are not directly involved in the hostilities
Berlin Airlift U.S. and British planes fly in food and supplies to West Berlin for 15 months to try and end the Russian blockade
Marshall Plan Foreign policy where the US was giving $ to countries that resisted communism and allied with the US
Details & results of the Korean War North Korea invaded South Korea backed by China. The US under NATO defended South Korea and pushed back the North. The war ended in a stalemate at the 38th parallel.
Sputnik and the Space Race Sputnik was the first artificial satellite launched into space by the USSR. This started the space race with the US
Berlin Wall The wall was built around west Berlin to block defections from East Berlin to West Berlin
Cuban Missile Crisis a 13 day stand off with the Soviet Union about Nuclear weapons in Cuba. In the end they both agreed to remove weapons from Turkey and Cuba.
Details & results of the Vietnam War A 20 year war where the US backed the South Vietnamese from being taken over by the communist North. In the end the Vietnam was taken over by the North and turned communist.
Harry Truman (and the Truman Doctrine) President after FDR dies and decides to drop two atomic bombs on Japan to end the war. The Truman Doctrine is the so called start to the Cold War and says Communism is a threat to Democracy and needs to be contained
Joseph Stalin Joseph Stalin ruled1928 - 1953 the Soviet Union as a dictator, transforming the country from an agrarian peasant society into a global superpower.
Joseph McCarthy US Senator known for alleging that numerous communists and Soviet spies and sympathizers had infiltrated the United States federal government
Dwight D. Eisenhower President during the end of the Korean war and the start of the Vietnam war. He believed in containment and the alliance with NATO.
Mao Zedong was a Chinese communist revolutionary who was the founder of the People's Republic of China
General Douglas MacArthur Commander of the UN forces in Korea and drove the North back across the 38th parallel
John F. Kennedy President in the early 60's during the Vietnam war, Cuban Missile crisis and the Bay of Pigs Invasion
Nikita Krushchev was the Soviet leader during the Cuban Missile crisis
Patriot Act protects the American people against terrorism by tearing down the wall between law enforcement and intelligence officials so that they can share information and work together to help prevent attacks.
Created by: PRO Teacher Kirsch
Popular U.S. History sets



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