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Civil War


Emancipation Proclamation Issued by President Lincoln in 1861 freeing all of the slaves in the rebellion states. This action laid gave the Civil War the moral purpose of abolishing slavery and helped lay the ground work for the 13th Amendment in 1865 .
Suspension of Habeas Corpus President Lincoln suspended Habeus Corpus (The right to be informed of charges against a person) in the border states. For example, Maryland, as a border state completely surrounds the Capitol in Washington DC. Numbers of people in MD wanted to secede fr
Fredric Douglass African American Abolitionist. Wrote the North Star (abolitionist newspaper) He played and important role in forming the Massachusetts 45th (An African -American regiment )
Jefferson Davis He is the only person to be elected president of the Confederate States of America
Ulysses S. Grant General of the Union Army and was responsible for winning the Civil War for the North
Minie Ball The bullet shaped that replaced the traditional round musket ball. Much more accurate over long distances and caused tremendous injury during the ar.
Pickets Charge a failed confederate attack during the Civil War led by general George Pickett at the Battle of Gettysburg.
Anaconda Plan Union war plan by Winfield Scott, called for blockade of southern coast, capture of Richmond, capture Mississippi R, and to take an army through heart of south. To surround the south like a "great snake".
Antietam A battle near a sluggish little creek, it proved to be the bloodiest single day battle in American History with over 26,000 lives lost in that single day. This Union victory prompted Lincoln the issue the emancipation proclamation
Sherman's March to the Sea during the civil war, a devastating TOTAL WAR military campaign, led by union general William Tecumseh Sherman, that involved marching 60,000 union troops through Georgia from Atlanta to Savannah and destroying everything along there way.
Sectionalism The growing division in the United States during the 1800's where each region of the nation favored their own interests. Issues like tariffs, states rights and Slavery were some examples of issues that divided the nation.
Election of 1860 Lincoln, the Republican candidate, won because the Democratic party was split over slavery. As a result, the South no longer felt like it has a voice in politics and a number of states seceded from the Union.
Battle of Gettysburg Turning point of the War that made it clear the North would win. 50,000 people died, and the South lost its chance to invade the North. Crushed Lee's hopes of winning a battle in the north
John Wilkes Booth was an American stage actor who, as part of a conspiracy plot, assassinated Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States, at Ford's Theatre in Washington, D.C. on April 14, 1865.
Thirteenth Amendment The constitutional amendment ratified after the Civil War forbade slavery and involuntary servitude and thereby ended slavery in the United States.
Iron Clad a new type of warship that was heavily armored with Iron during the Civil War
Vicksburg Grant besieged the city from May 18 to July 4, 1863, until it surrendered. This gave the Union control of the Mississippi River and per the Anaconda Plan
Telegraph A device for rapid, long-distance transmission of information over an electric wire. It was introduced in England and North America in the 1830s and 1840s.
Robert E Lee Commander of the Confederate Army during the Civil War.
Battle of Bull Run 1861, 1st major battle, proved war was going to be long and costly
Created by: PRO Teacher Kirsch
Popular U.S. History sets



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