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Civil War

North VS South

Slavery divided the nation
The North was mainly urban society in which people held jobs in cities.
The South was agricultural society.
Southerners lived on farms and plantations.
The North was a manufacturing region.
Northerners favored tariffs.
Southerners opposed tariffs that would cause prices of manufactured goods to increase.
Planters were concerned that Great Britain might stop buying cotton from the South.
Southerners believed that they had the power to declare any national law illegal.
Northerners believed that the national government’s power was supreme over that of the states.
Southerners felt that the abolition of slavery would destroy their region’s economy.
Northerners believed that slavery should be abolished for moral reasons.
Missouri Compromise (1820): Missouri entered the Union as a slave state; Maine entered the Union as a free state.
Compromise of l850: California entered the Union as a free state. Southwest territories would decide the slavery issue for themselves.
Kansas-Nebraska Act: People in each state would decide the slavery issue (“popular sovereignty”).
popular sovereignty People decide the issue of slavery by way of a vote.
Following Lincoln’s election, the southern states seceded from the Union.
Lincoln and many Northerners believed that the United States was one nation that could not be separated or divided.
Most Southerners believed that the states had freely joined the union and could freely leave it.
Border states (slave states) Slave states that did NOT fight against the Union.
Abraham Lincoln Was president of the United States who opposed the spread of slavery.
The Emancipation Proclamation was Lincoln's speech that freed the slaves.
The Gettysburg Address said the Civil War was to preserve a government “of the people, by the people, and for the people.”
Jefferson Davis was president of the Confederate States of America
Ulysses S. Grant was general of the Union army that defeated Lee
Robert E. Lee was leader of the Army of Northern Virginia who was offered command of the Union forces, but chose not to fight against Virginia
Lee Urged Southerners to accept defeat at the end of the war when some wanted to fight on
Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson Was a skilled Confederate general from Virginia
Frederick Douglass Was an enslaved African American who escaped to the North and became an abolitionist
The firing on Fort Sumter, S.C., began the war.
The first Battle of Manassas (Bull Run) was the first major battle.
The signing of the Emancipation Proclamation made “freeing the slaves” the new focus of the war.
Many freed African Americans joined the Union army.
The Battle of Vicksburg allowed the North to control the Mississippi River.
The Battle of Gettysburg was the turning point of the war;
Lee’s surrender to Grant at Appomattox Court House in 1865 ended the war.
The Southern capital city. Richmond
As the war went on, Southern troops became increasingly younger and more poorly equipped and clothed.
Much of the South was devastated at the end of the war (e.g., burning of Atlanta and Richmond).
The major killer of the war. Disease
The collapse of the Confederacy made Confederate money worthless.
African American soldiers were discriminated against and served in segregated units under the command of white officers.
Large cities, heavy manufacturing, large population. urban
Farms & Plantations, agricultural, small population. rural
Nickname of the Union soldiers yankees
Nickname of the Confederate soldiers rebels
The Northern capital city. Washington, D.C.
Created by: PRO Teacher Kirsch
Popular U.S. History sets



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