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VUS SOL Review

Virginia and United States History SOL Review

Puritans Group that founded New England
New England Colonies Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Hampshire
Mayflower Compact Agreement that created the government of the New England colonies.
Direct Democracy Form of government used in New England. All citizens have a say in government.
Town Meetings Where citizens of New England met to practice direct democracy.
Economy of New England Colonies Shipbuilding, Fishing, Lumbering, Subsistence Farming, eventually Manufacturing
Middle Colonies Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Delaware
Quakers Religious group that moved to Pennsylvania.
Presbyterians Religious group that moved to New Jersey.
Jews and Huguenots Religious groups that moved to New York.
Economy of Middle Colonies Shipbuilding, Trade, Small-Scale Farming
Southern Colonies Maryland, Virginia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia
Virginia Company of London Business venture that helped to establish the Virginia Colony.
Cavaliers Wealthy land owners who received charters from the King of England.
Jamestown First permanent English settlement in the New World.
Economy of the Southern Colonies Plantation System- Cash crops
Cash Crops Tobacco, Indigo, Rice
Indentured Servants Worked on plantations to temporarily work off their debts. Replaced by slaves.
Virginia House of Burgesses First legislative assembly in the New World. Today known as the General Assembly.
The Great Awakening Religious revival in the English Colonies.
The Declaration of Independence Written by Thomas Jefferson. Declared independence from Great Britain.
John Locke Enlightenment philosopher who wrote about natural rights and social contract. Influenced the writing of the Declaration of Independence.
Thomas Paine Wrote "Common Sense" which challenged the rule of the King of England. Influenced thew writing of the Declaration of Independence.
French and Indian War War between Britain and France that saw Great Britain gain territory after their victory. Problems afterward led to the American Revolution.
Proclamation of 1763 Forbid settlers from moving west of the Appalachian Mountains to protect them from Native Americans.
Sugar/Stamp Acts Taxes passed to help pay for the American Revolution.
Boston Tea Party Protest of the Tea Act by colonists dressed up as native Americans.
Boston Massacre Event where British soldiers shot and killed several colonists during a riot.
First Continental Congress First time when colonies acted together.
Battles of Lexington and Concord Opening conflicts of the American Revolution.
Patriots Wanted to gain independence from Great Britain.
Loyalists Wanted to remain loyal to Great Britain. Also called Tories.
Neutrals Colonists who did not pick a side during the Revolutionary War
Treaty of Alliance Agreement signed between the United States and France during the Revolutionary War. Negotiated by Ben Franklin.
Battle of Yorktown Final conflict of the American Revolution.
George Washington American general during the American Revolution whose leadership kept the army together. Also served as President of the Constitutional Convention and was the first President of the United States.
Articles of Confederation First government of the United States. Created a weak national government with one branch and no power to tax. Ultimately failed and was replaced.
The United States Constitution Document that establishes the government of the United States.
The Great Compromise Created a bicameral legislature with the House of Representatives and the Senate.
Three-Fifths Compromise Counted slaves as 3/5 of population in regards to representation.
Virginia Plan Written by James Madison, created three branches of government.
James Madison Considered the "Father of the Constitution". Took detailed notes during the convention and wrote the Bill of Rights. Also led the United States in the War of 1812 as President.
Bill of RIghts First ten amendments of the Constitution.
Virginia Declaration of Rights Written by George Mason. Served as the basis of the Bill of Rights.
Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom Written by Thomas Jefferson. Served as the basis for the First Amendment.
Federalists Supported ratification of the Constitution. Wanted a strong national government.
Anti-Federalists Were against ratification of the Constitution. Wanted a weak national government.
Created by: user-1516219
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