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USH Unit 8

SSUSH 20&21

Cold War four decade struggle for political supremacy between the western democratic nations (mainly USA) and the communist Soviet Union
Harry Truman president at end of WWII and beginning of Cold War
Truman Doctrine began US foreign policy of containment of commuinism
containment US foreign policy to combat the spread of communism during Cold War; successful in Europe not in Asia or Cuba
Marshall Plan US send money to aid 22 European nations to prevent communism to spreading to Western Europe
satellite states Eastern European nations controlled by the Soviet Union
Mao Zedong communist leader of China
Korean War communist North Korea invaded democratic South Korea, United Nations (mostly US) defended South Korea; still divided at 38th parallel; armistice still in place; no treaty/ containment partial success
G.I. Bill of Rights low interest loans for homes and new businesses to former soldiers; grants for soldiers to attend college
Levittown, NY first suburban housing development
National Interstate and Defense Highways Act created a system of highways for strategic transportation of troops and supplies; link population centers across the nation
Joseph McCarthy WI Senator claimed that communist sympathizers had infiltrated the US Dept of State, but had no evidence
McCarthyism became a derogatory term for baseless accusations
Integration of Armed Forces Truman signed an executive order ending the segregation of the armed forces during the Korean War
Brown v. Board of Education overturned Plessy v. Ferguson; Supreme Court ordered that public schools end segregation
Massive Resistance southern states shut down state education systems rather than integrate the schools after Brown decision
Little Rock Nine example of massive resistance; president Eisenhower used military to enforce law and escort Black children to school
Sputnik Soviet launched first satellite into orbit; led to US increase in math and science education, creation of NASA
missile gap perception that Soviets had superior technology and could attack US
massive retaliation proclaimed that the US would answer any military attack with all out military and atomic capacity
domino theory led to American intervention in Vietnam
Fidel Castro communist Cuban leader that overthrew government and named himself dictator for life; containment failed in Cuba
Bay of Pigs CIA trained Cuban rebels failed to overthrow Castro; revealed US backing; Cuba gained Soviet support
Cuban Missile Crisis Soviet placed missiles in Cuba; they removed when US removed missiles from Turkey and agreed not to invade Cuba; 13 days of uncertainty; JFK praised for avoiding war
Vietnam War US supported democratic South Vietnam against communist North Vietnam; lost, containment failed in Vietnam
Ho Chi Minh communist leader of North Vietnam
Viet Cong communist guerilla fighters in Vietnam
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution gave the President authorization to conduct military operation in Southeast Asia without a formal declaration of war
JFK assassination gave new president, LBJ, political capital to honor JFK with domestic legislation including Civil Rights
Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 LBJ launched war on poverty
Civil Rights Act of 1964 ended unequal application of voter registration requirements and the racial segregation of public accommodations
Voting Rights Act of 1965 ended use of literacy tests for voting and mandated federal oversight of elections in southern states
Great Society LBJ program of attacking the endemic problem of poverty in the US; included Medicare and Medicaid, education funding including Job Corps and Head Start
impact of television replaced radio, common national culture, Nixon-Kennedy debate 1960, televised Civil rights protests, televised Vietnam War events, televised moon landing
Montgomery Bus Boycott started with Rosa Parks refusal; successfully ended discrimination in busing in Montgomery
Southern Christian Leadership Conference civil rights organization led by MLK, used non-violent civil disobedience
Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) student led organization that led sit-ins and nonviolent protests; transitioned to fighting violence with violence
Martin Luther King, Jr. civil rights movement leader set the tone and example for nonviolent protests
Letter from Birmingham Jail King's defense of the nonviolent methods used to attack racism
I Have a Dream Speech MLK speech in 1963 March on Washington called forth an ideal in which racism and bigotry would end and all races could live in harmony with one another
Freedom Summer 1964 voter registration drive in Mississippi and Alabama
Cesar Chavez notable leader of the Latino civil rights movement
United Farm Workers organization used nonviolent protests and boycotts to protest against Latino farm worker discrimination
1968 tumultuous year including Tet Offensive, assassinations of MLK and RFK, police-protester violence at DNC
Tet Offensive January 1968 attack on 100 South Vietnam cities and American bases/ televised and turned many more Americans against war
silent majority Richard Nixon claimed that he represented the "silent majority" of socially conservative Americans who had grown tired of the liberal excesses and violence of the1960s.
Freedom Rides 1961 test of the new federal laws that outlawed discrimination on interstate bus lines; met with violence in the south
Created by: coachbbenton
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