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USH Unit 7

SSUSH 17-19

Great Depression worst economic downturn in US history (1930s)
5 causes of Great Depression overproduction, underconsumption, stock market crash, disparity in wealth, banking panic
buying on margin borrowing money to purchase stocks
Dust Bowl worst drought in US history, began in 1931. Overproduction in farming in Great Plains during Great Depression
Okies migrants fled Dust Bowl to the west coast
Grapes of Wrath John Steinbeck's book about Okies fleeing Dust Bowl during Great Depression
Hoovervilles shantytowns built by homeless during Great Depression, name criticized president Hoover
New Deal FDR's series of government-funded programs to end the Great Depression
Franklin D. Roosevelt 32nd president elected 4 times beginning in 1932
3 R's of New Deal relief, recovery, reform
Bank Holiday FDR used executive order to close all banks to stop runs on the banks
Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA) granted federal money to state and local governments for operating soup kitchens and meeting the basic needs of the homeless
Public Works Administration (PWA) provided money to states for the construction of roads, bridges, and dams
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) hired young men to work on land projects
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) hired thousand of workers in the very rural Tennessee Valley to build dams, power plants, and work to control flooding and erosion
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) created to shore up public confidence in the banking system
Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) farmers were granted subsidies which would help recover crop prices by cutting production; unconstitutional
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) created to regulate the stock market
Second New Deal FDR's plan to address the needs of groups who did not directly benefit from the New Deal
Social Security Act provided for old-age pensions, unemployment insurance, and aid to the disabled; excluded ag workers, teachers, domestic help mostly jobs held by women and Blacks
Huey Long liberal challenger to FDR proposed "Share Our Wealth" program to guarantee a household income to each family; assassinated
Court Packing Plan FDR wanted to add justices to Supreme Court; soured the nation on the New Deal
Eleanor Roosevelt FDR's wife; changed the role of First Lady to activism
World War II 1940s; US joined Allies to defeat the Axis powers after Pearl Harbor attack; defeat Nazis; atomic bombs on Japan
Pearl Harbor US navy base in Hawaii; attacked by Japan Dec. 7, 1941; ended neutrality; US declared war and joined WWII
Cash and Carry neutrality act that required countries to pay cash and carry trade materials; only GB and France could afford
Lend-Lease replaced cash and carry so US could loan war materials to allies
Pacific Theater fighting Japan in WWII using strategy of Island Hopping
Battle of Midway American victory turning point in Pacific theater
Manhattan Project code name for a secret research and development program whose goal was to build an atomic weapon during WWII
Los Alamos location of the first atomic weapon test
Hiroshima and Nagasaki Japanese cities where USA dropped atomic bombs
European Theater fighting against Nazis and Fascists in WWII
D-Day turning point in European Theater; Allied invasion of Nazi occupied France at Normandy; largest seaborne invasion in history
Battle of Berlin Soviets captured German capital; Hitler committed suicide
War Production Board responsible for regulating the production and allocation of materials and fuel
wartime conversion privately owned manufacturing companies made war goods; ex: Ford made tanks and airplanes
rationing citizens required rationing stamps to purchase items based on family size; goods given up were sent overseas for war effort
Rosie the Riveter government created fictional working woman to recruit women into workforce during WWII
A. Philip Randolph Black labor organizer to fight discrimination in hiring; got FDR to issue executive order prohibiting discrimination on government contracted jobs
Executive Order 9066 110,000 Japanese-Americans were removed from the west coast and place in internment camps during WWII
Created by: coachbbenton
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