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USH Unit 6

SSUSH 15&16

World War I 1914-1919; Allied Powers defeat Central Powers; US neutral then join Allies against Germany
Woodrow Wilson POTUS during WWI; delivered Fourteen Points
declaration of neutrality US remained neutral for the first 2.5 years of WWI
unrestricted submarine warfare Germany used subs to attack ALL ships; warships and commercial even neutral nations
Lusitania British passenger ship sunk by German sub; 128 Americans on board died
Arabic ship sunk by German sub; 3 Americans died
Zimmerman Telegram Germany asked Mexico to join Germany in war and invade USA; Germany resumed unrestricted submarine warfare; led to USA declaration of war on Germany
Liberty Bonds government sold bonds to American people to finance the war
Espionage Act law provided penalties for spying, sabotage, and obstructing the war effort; can't use US mail to send antiwar material
Eugene Debs Socialist 4 time presidential candidate; arrested for making speeches against the war; sentenced to 10 yrs in prison
Great Migration migration of Blacks from the South to the North to escape sharecropping and Jim Crow violence in pursuit of defense manufacturing jobs in the North during the war
Fourteen Points Wilson's plan for lasting world peace after WWI; included creation of League of Nations
League of Nations international organization created after WWI to keep peace; USA never joined
Treaty of Versailles ended WWI; all countries that signed joined League of Nations; USA never signed
Senator Henry Cabot Lodge led opposition to League of Nations so America could remain isolationist after WWI
communism extreme form of socialism; worker controlled economic system led by a dictator
Industrial Workers of the World labor union that became associated with communism
Bolsheviks communist revolutionaries that overthrew the czar in Russia; created Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR or Soviet Union)
Vladimir Lenin communist leader of Bolsheviks; goal to destroy capitalism, main target America
Red Scare wave of fear and action to protect the United States as a democratic and capitalist country against communism
Palmer Raids FBI and Justice Dept arrested and deported hundreds of suspected communists
National Origins Acts established a quota system which set limits on the number of immigrants who could enter the US from each country
18th Amendment prohibition of alcohol
19th Amendment women's suffrage
21st Amendment repealed the 18th Amendment; ended prohibtion
Henry Ford developer of the first mass produced automobile: Model T
assembly line method of production used by Ford to speed up production and drive down costs
impact of radio nationwide broadcasts created a stronger national rather than regional identity in the USA
Movies nationwide media that unified national culture
Modernist Movement 1920s artistic movement that changed painting, architecture, literature, music, and movies
Harlem Renaissance first significant artistic movement coming out of Black culture
Jazz first true American music; originated in deep south by Blacks; 1920s aka Jazz Age
Langston Hughes Harlem Renaissance poet
Louis Armstrong Harlem Renaissance jazz artist
Created by: coachbbenton
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