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grad 7 Social Study

Social Studies 7th Grade: Walking With Cave Man

what is the time line for Austalopithecus? Time line: approximately 1.2 to 4 million years ago
What is the other name for Homo habilis? handyman.
what is the appearance of australopithecus? ape like;walked on two legs rather than four; small brains; teeth.
what is the time line for homo habilis? 2 to 1.5 million years ago.
the appearan or homo habilis is... walked upright; long dangling arms.
tools that australopithecus used only use i.e. twigs
tools that homo habilis used knoked stone flakes off hard stone to produce tools for chopping,scraping and cutting.
what is the time line for homo eretus? 1.6 to 80,000 years ago
homo eretus use what tool? stone axe and tools for butchering.
homo eretus were the first to make what? make fire
what is the time line for neanderthal? 133,000 to 32,000 years ago
the neanderthals make... stone knives;harpoons and spears.
cro-magnon live in what time line? 100,000 to 10,000 years ago.
what do cro-magnon wore? wore clothing decorated/wore beads and jewellery.
cro-mgnon had what tools? had variety of tools to hunt and fish,paint,draw,sew,make music, and fight with others;made fish hooks and needles from antlers.
where do cro-magnon live? they only live in Europe.
homo sapiens sapiens is a..... modern humans
homo sapiens sapiens live in what time line? 10,000 yeas ago to present.
homo sapiens sapiens are .... modern day humans
homo sapiens sapiens have what tool? superior tool making skills.
source where the information originates.
primary source written by people who take part in the event they re describing.
secondary source written after an event has taken place.
basic needs include food, shelter, clothing, and protection from danger.
artifact an object made by humans.
archaeologists the scientists who collect and study the remains of past human activity.
hypothesis the best guess a person can make when trying to find the answer to a question.
excavation when archaeologists decide on a location and dig for evidence.
carbon-14 dating measures the amount of carbon-14 in an object.
hominids very early humans.
anthropologists study human beings and human society.
C.E. common era.
B.C.E. before the common era.
evolution when simple forms of life change gradually, over many generations,into more complex forms of life.
creationism the belief that the universe and everything in it was created by adivine being.
eras periods of time.
fossils remnants or traces of an organism of a past geologic age, such as a skeleton or leaf imprint, embedded and preserved in the earth's crust.
Created by: judy2434
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