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Ch. 11 Review Book

Vocab, People, Events and Supreme Court Cases from Chapter 11 of the Review Book

Persian Gulf War After Iraq invades Kuwait, UN (lead by US) began an air assault on Iraq. After a cease fire, Iraq accepts all demands. Tensions with Saddam Hussein and Iraq continue until 2003.
Ethnic Cleansing systematic effort to purge an area or society of an ethnic group through murder or deportation
NAFTA North American Free Trade Agreement. Agreement calling for the removal of trade restrictions between the United States, Canada and Mexico
World Trade Organization WTO. International trade organization designed to increase cooperation and settle trade dispute. An example of globalization.
Madeleine Albright Secretary of state under Bill Clinton. First Secretary of State in US History.
September 11, 2001 attacks Attack by al Qaeda on the World Trade Center in NYC, the Pentagon in Washington D.C. and a third plane headed for DC that was taken down by passengers over Pennsylvania. Began the US "War on Terror" and the invasion of Afghanistan.
USA Patriot Acts of 2001 Gave powers to the US government that limited the privacy of US Citizens, increase government surveillance, enhanced penalties for crimes related to terrorism.
Department of Homeland Security Cabinet level position designed to coordinate between 40 federal agencies including the CIA, FBI and National Guard.
Operation Iraqi Freedom GW Bush administration invades Iraq after claims of weapons of mass destruction (none are found) and helping terrorists. Saddam Hussein is overthrown.
Weapons of Mass Destruction devices used for large scale and total destruction, i.e. nuclear bombs, nerve gas, chemical warfare
Globalization process by which national economies, politics, cultures and societies mix with those of other nations around the world.
Global Warming the increase in Earth's average surface temperature over time
Created by: mrfordglobal
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