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History spring study

FDR’s main goals in fighting the depression President Franklin D. Roosevelt aimed to restore prosperity
Causes of the Great Depression There were many causes such as The weak banking system, The huge unemployment rate,the collapse of world trade due to the Smoot-Hawley Tariff; government policies, And the stock market Crash of 1929.
Years of the Great Depression The years of the great depression were between August 1929-March 1933
New Deal The New Deal was a series of projects that aimed at promoting economic recovery and putting Americans back to work through Federal activism.With its three goals relief,recovery,and reform.
Shanty towns Shanty towns were towns also known as hoovervile were made by unemployed homeless Americans
What event brought an end to the Great Depression? Both the new deal and World War II ended the great depression with many men and women joining the armed forces and many other going into well-paying jobs.
Impact of Roosevelt’s fireside chats? Roosevelt's chats had a big impact on Americans by giving them hope and confidence.
Why did voters vote for Roosevelt over Hoover? voters believed he could take America out of the Great Depression
Why was the New Deal a turning point in U. S. history? The New Deal helped improve so many lives that suffered through the great depression And helped end the depression.
Holocaust The Holocaust was the genocide of Jews during World war II led by Adolf Hitler.
How many Jews were killed during the Holocaust? Around six million Jews died during the Holocaust
Other groups that were killed during the Holocaust There were many victims besides Jews such as homosexuals,people with disability's,Afro-Germans,Jehovah witnesses, people of political parties, prostitutes, beggars, pimps, alcoholics,vagabounds , Gypsies, Poles, and Soviet Officials.
What religious group was killed by Germans in Concentration Camps? Jehovah witnesses endured extreme persecution in Concentration camps.
Under German rule, before Concentration Camps, where were Jews forced to live? German occupation authorities forced the Jewish population into the "ghettos" isolating Jewish people away from Non-Jewish people.
Genocide Genocide an intentional killing of large numbers of people from a particular ethnic group or nation.
What happened to Hitler in the end? On April 30,1945 Adolf Hitler committed suicide by taking a cyanide capsule and shooting himself in the head in his bunker located in Berlin after being chased by Soviet troops.
In addition to the gas chambers, how did Nazis kill the Jewish population of Europe? Besides gas chambers some Jews were shot in front of others
During the Holocaust, how were families separated? Once Jews got to the camps family's were separated bye age and gender
What is the name for the laws that began to take away the rights of German Jews? The laws that began to take away the rights of German Jews were the Nuremberg laws laws
Fascism Fascism is a system of government led by a dictator controlling the lives of many.
Democracy Democracy a form of government that is vested by the people
Blitzkrieg Blitzkrieg was a method of offensive warfare responsible for the success of Nazi Germany in World War II
Axis Powers The Axis powers was a military coalition that initiated World War II and fought against the Germany, Italy and Japan.
Why did United States decide to stay isolated from foreign affairs when WWII started? Both the tragic losses in World War I and the great depression leading the American public Opinion and policy towards isolation.
Pearl Harbor events the Japanese aerial commander orders the attack on Pearl Harbor.
Why did Great Britain and France declare war on Germany? In response of Hitlers invasion on Poland France and Great Britain took a pledge who took a pledge to defend poland and declared war
What event caused the U.S. to enter WWII? After The bombing on Pearl Harbor the U.S declared war against japan a few days after Germany declared War
Under what plan did the U. S. ​provided​ ​massive​ ​financial​ ​aid​ ​to​ ​rebuild​ ​European economies​ ​and​ ​prevent​ ​the​ ​spread​ ​of​ ​communism​? The Marshall Plan, also known as the European Recovery Program
Capitalist, Communist, Dictatorial, and Socialist meanings and which countries follow which ideals? Capitalist:Capitalism is an economic system based on the private ownership of the means of production and their operation for profit Communist:an economic ideology that advocates for a classless society in which all property and wealth are communally-own
Baby Boom The Baby Boom was a part of a Cold War campaign to fight communism by outnumbering communists.
Similarities​ ​between​ ​the​ ​US​ ​and​ ​the​ ​Soviet​ ​Union during​ ​the​ ​Cold​ ​War​ The United States and the Soviet Union both feared each other and tried to influence other nations.
Cold War time period March 12, 1947 – December 26, 1991
Cuban Missile Crisis The Cuban Missile Crisis was a cold war between the U.S. and the Soviet Union. It came very close to a nuclear war that many were terrified of. The Soviet had placed nuclear weapons on Cuba secretly to warn off any attempt invasion.
A​ ​state​ ​of​ ​tension​ ​between​ ​the​ ​U.S.​ ​and​ ​the​ ​Soviet​ ​Union​ ​without​ ​actual fighting​ The Cold War
Why could Lincoln not carry out his plan of Reconstruction? Radical Republicans opposed the plan because it seemed to lenient and lacked protection of Freed slaves.
The​ ​war​ ​that​ ​created​ ​divisiveness​ ​among​ ​Americans​ ​throughout​ ​the​ ​1960s The War that created divisiveness during the 60s was the Vietnam war.
How did women help in WWII? women helped in many ways such as working as nurses, driving trucks, repairing airplanes, and performed clerical work.
What kind of policy did ​Martin​ ​L.​ ​King,​ ​Jr.,​ ​and​ ​other members​ ​of​ ​SCLC​ ​encouraged​ Martin L. King Jr and SCLC encouraged a policy of Non-violent protest
Freedom Riders Freedom Riders were groups of Black and White civil rights activist who partake in bus rides through the south to protest segregated bus terminals
Malcolm X Malcolm X was a African American Muslim minister, a leader in the civil rights movement , and a supporter of black nationalism
Sit-ins Sit ins were a civil rights protest where protesters would sit at lunch counters refusing to leave until there demands are met
Civil Rights and Martin Luther King, Jr. Martin Luther King, Jr and the rest of the SCLC worked with many other Civil Rights organizations including the NAACP and to organize the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom and others.
Vietnamization Vietnamization was a U.S Policy that that provided a phased withdrawal of US troops with an effort to train South Vietnam to take over military responsibility for its own defense
McCarthyism McCarthyism is a practice of making accusations of subversion and treason
The​ ​Highway​ ​Act​ ​of​ ​1956 authorized the construction of a 41,000-mile network of interstate highways that would span the nation
The​ ​two​ ​nations​ ​divided​ ​at​ ​the​ ​38th​ ​parallel In 1945 When Japan's colonial hold on Korea ended with its defeat the Soviet army took over the North and US forces took over the south and by mutual agreement, dividing the country at the 38th parallel.
Watergate The Watergate scandal was a major political scandal when burglars broke into in the office of the Democratic National Committee, located in the Watergate complex of buildings in Washington, D.C. leading to investigation reveling Nixon abuses of power
How did ​Truman​ ​justified​ ​dropping​ ​the​ ​atomic​ ​bomb​ ​on​ ​Japan​? Truman stated that dropping a bomb on Japan was purely military and believed it save many Japanese peoples live.
The​ ​Manhattan​ ​Project The Manhattan Project was a development and research undertaking during World War II that produced the first nuclear weapons.
Created by: lauren7995
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