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Ch 12 People

8th grade sorry wouldn't fit

Robert Kennon was a reform governor that promised to run the government with a civics book approach. He restored the civil service system.
John J. McKeithen a popular governor that was a WWII vet and lawyer. He was a friend of Earl Long and the reformers liked him because he was "going to clean up Baton Rouge".
Patrick F. Taylor a Louisiana oilman whose brainchild was the TOPS program giving all LA students the chance to go to college.
Tennessee Williams a Mississippi native that moved to New Orleans. He wrote several plays, including, "A Street Car Named Desire" and " Cat on a Hot Tin Roof.
Leadbelly Ledbetter a musical legend played music in LA and MSHe was convited of murder and sentenced to 7 years He sang for the gov after he was released and was later convicted again and went back to AngolaAfterParodonHe was considered OneOfAmerica'sGreatestBluesMusicians
Charles "Buddy" Roemer he followed a term of Edwin Edwards. As governor he promised honest, government, to cut spending, and to improve the economy. Ironically, his father had been convicted of corruption during Edwin Edward's term.
David Treen was the first Republican governor since Reconstruction, but the oil and gas industry hurt his political career.
Jerry Lee Lewis was a Rock and Roll legend who taught himself how to play the piano. He most famous song was "Great Balls of Fire"
A.P. Tureand was the leader of the NAACP. He was a lawyer and descended from people of color. He fought the Jim Crow Laws and helped lead LA out of segregation.
Wynton Marsalis a famous modern jazz musician with 9 Grammy Awards, a Peabody Award and a Pulitzer Prize for music.
Ernest "Dutch" Morial a black legislature member who was the 1st since Reconstruction to be elected and he later became the mayor of New Orleans.
Robert "Penn" Warren a famous author who received the Pulitzer price twice for poetry and once for fiction. He wrote the classic, "All the King's Men".
Kathleen B. Blanco the first and only woman elected as governor of Louisiana.
Fats Domino a French-speaking piano player that recorded "Blueberry Hill" and "Ain't that a Shame".
Murphy J. "Mike" Foster the grandson of former governor. He promised to return to honest government after Edwin Edwards was sent to prison. He opposed gambling but let the people decide.
Lindy Boggs she finished her husband's congressional term after he died.
AI Hirt a native New Orleans famous for his "Dixieland style of music".
Britney Spears a modern day singer from Kentwood LA. Her hit "Baby One More Time" made her career.
Jimmie Davis the governor of Louisiana who wrote, "You are My Sunshine" and rode his horse up the capitol steps to take the oath of office. He was responsible for the Sunshine Bridge, Toledo Bend Reservoir, and the modern-day governor's mansion.
Pete Fountain a street musician who played the clarinet.
David Duke a former KKK clans' member that ran for governor in 1991.
Earl Long a 3-tier, governor who tried to equal pay for black and white teachers. He tried to end the Jim Crow Laws and this put him direct conflict with those who opposed civil rights.
Edwin Edwards APopularAndCorruptGovernorThatWasReelected4TimesHeTrulyWantedToHelpLouisianaHeElectedThe1stAfricanAmericanToAPoliticalPositionHeStrengthenedTheCivilServiceSystemHeWasOverTheConstructionOfTheSuperdomeHeWasSentToPrisonForAcceptingBribesWithGamblingContracts
Clementine Hunter one of the world's most famous primitive art or folk painters.
Created by: P.V.A.
Popular History sets




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