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US History M20 Test

Corporations Public company that sells stock to shareholders to grow business
Fredrick W. Taylor Effinciency engineer who published a book about workers being interchangable parts
Bessemer process Cheaper and faster way to produce steal
Andrew Carnegie Created monopoly in manufacturing steel
Knights of Labor First labor union and for better working conditions and pay for all workers
Thomas Edison Invented the lightbulb
Horizontal integration Own all buisnesses from a particular field
Samuel Gompers Leader of the AFL union
Henry Ford Automobile manufacturer who used the assembly line
Slang for Social Darwinism Survival of the fittest
Grover Cleveland President of the US in 1894. He stopped Pullman Strike
Sherman Antitrust Act Law to stop businesses from creating trust and monopolies. This law was not enforced.
Why was the Sherman Antitrust act not enforced? Because they did not define was a trust was.
What industry increased productivity because of increase production in the steel industry? Railroads/ Bessemer process 🡪 Carnegie Steel 🡪 increased RR Production
What powered the Wright brothers’ airplane? Gasoline engine
What did Henry Ford’s assembly line do for the automobile industry? Built automobiles faster and cheaper with specialization
What is the role of a stockholder? Partially own a business by owning stock & can buy and sell that stock
How did Carnegie keep production costs low? Carnegie used vertical integration & the Bessemer process to keep costs low
What did vertical and horizontal integration strategies do for businesses? Vertical integration: kept costs low by owning all steps of the manufacturing process. Horizontal integration: eliminates competition by owning businesses in the same field.
Why are monopolies unfair to consumers? No competition allows for higher prices & lower quality of goods
How did the labor force change in the Second Industrial Revolution? Skilled workers were replaced by unskilled workers doing specialized repetitive tasks
How did specialization affect factories in the late 1800s? Factories became more efficient by using assembly line specialization which increased productivity
What labor improvements were the Knights of Labor fighting for? An 8 hour work day, equal pay for equal work, and an end to child labor.
What is collective bargaining? All workers act together to negotiate with owner about pay and working conditions
What happened in the Homestead Strike? Workers barricaded themselves in the plant and some were killed when Pinkerton’s group were sent to take them out.
What did Carnegie do that led to a strike at his Pennsylvania factory? Carnegie’s Pennsylvania plant workers went on strike because some workers were given pay cuts and others were fired and replaced by machines.
What was Edison’s problem with lighting up entire cities with his new light bulb invention? Cities did not have their own electricity, so Edison had to use a power plant that Westinghouse had built.
What is a patent? an exclusive right to make or sell an invention; encouraged new inventions
Who are trying to help unskilled workers? Knights of Labor
Where did the lightbulb light up first? New York
Was Thomas's light bulb patented? Yes, over 200k times
What is an assembly line? Conveyor belt with workers
What was the pullman strike? Widespread railroad strike and boycott that severely disrupted rail traffic in the Midwest of the United States
Social Darwinism How much you work and how smart you are is how much you earn.
Trust is the same as? Horizontal Integration
Second Industrial Revolution a period of rapid growth in U.S. manufacturing in the late 1800s; characterized by advances in technology
Alexander Graham Bell inventor of the telephone
Wilbur and Orville Wright brothers who made the first piloted flight in a gaspowered airplane
Andrew Carnegie business leader who concentrated his efforts on steel production
vertical integration ownership of businesses involved in each step of manufacturing
John d. Rockefeller business leader who concentrated on oil refining
What is trust? a legal arrangement grouping together a number of companies under a single board of directors
Leland Stanford business leader of mining equipment and railroads
Terence V. Powderly Knights of Labor leader who made it the first national labor union in the United States
american Federation of Labor group that organized individual national unions of skilled workers
Mary Harris Jones union supporter who organized strikes and educated workers
Haymarket Riot a union protest in Chicago where strikers fought with police
Homestead strike violent 1892 strike of Carnegie steelworkers ended by state militia
How did Ford revolutionize the automobile industry? He made the assembly line, which made production faster and cheaper.
What is the purpose of holding a patent? Makes it so others can not copy a new invention and make money off of it.
Created by: Careless_Izzy
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