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US History M19 Test

Sharecropping Freed African Americans who were stuck in a cycle of poverty by renting land from a white plantation owner
Reconstruction Acts A set of laws that divided the South into 5 districts
Compromise of 1877 An agreement in the Congress to give the presidency to Hayes in return for ending Reconstruction
Radical Republicans Political group in congress who wanted more control of reconstruction
Andrew Johnson Lincoln's Vice President who took over presidency after Lincoln's assassination
Black Codes A set of real laws that limited rights of African Americans
Poll tax A fee that had to be payed in order to vote in Southern States.
Plassy v Ferguson Supreme Court case that upheld that African Americans could be "seprate but equal"
Freedman Bureau Goverment organization that helped poor people in the South
Hiram Revels 1st African American Senator
Segregation The seperation of African Americans from whites in the South in social situations.
Civil Rights Act of 1866 Law passed by congress to give citizen rights to African Americans
Why did Congress disagree with Lincoln’s Ten Percent Plan? Most believed it was too easy & needed stronger penalties to former Confederates
How did the Wade-Davis Bill differ from the Ten Percent Plan? Ten Percent plan only needed 10% of people to give an oath; the Wade-Davis Bill required 50%
What is the Freedmen’s Bureau? A govt. agency to help poor Southerners with education & jobs during Reconstruction
Which group was not included in the 14 th Amendment? Native Americans
Why did Republicans want southern states to accept the 14 th Amendment before coming back into the US? It was done to protect the civil rights of African Americans
What was Johnson’s plan for wealthy southerners and Confederate officials? He was going to give them amnesty through a presidential pardon
Why did Congress refuse to readmit southern states into the Union after Johnson became president? Many of the representatives & political leaders of the new southern state governments were former leaders of the Confederacy
Why did Congress believe that passing the 15 th Amendment would protect their Reconstruction plan? Because African Americans would be able to vote for their leaders who would continue Reconstruction
Why did Congress pass a law to limit Johnson’s power in 1868? Because he disagreed with a majority on their views of Reconstruction
What are the effects of the Compromise of 1877? Hayes became president, end of military districts, end of Reconstruction
What change in southern state governments ended Reconstruction reforms? Politicians from the old guard of the Confederacy were allowed to hold office in the US
What was the reason for the creation of the KKK? To limit or stop African Americans from exercising their rights or acquire power in government
What are carpetbaggers? Northern born people who were holding political office in Southern states
What are Jim Crow laws? The unwritten rules that southern states would separate African Americans from white people in social settings
Who are the Redeemers? Democrats in the South who brought power back to the Southern states
How did Ulysses S. Grant win the presidency? He got support from the new African American voters
Who was the leader of the Radical Republicans? Thaddeus Stevens and Sumner
Did president Johnson support the Civil Rights Act of 1866? No- He vetoed it. Felt like it have the Federal Government too much power. But Congress overwrote his veto.
14th Amendment All people born in or naturalized in the U.S. as citizens EXCEPT Native Americans
13th Amendment Slavery is illegal
15th Amendment Granted African American men the right to vote
What was the reconstruction? Period after the Civil War when buildings, bridges, railroads, etc had to be rebuilt.
Which State was the first under the 10 percent Plan? Louisiana
What was the Emancipation Proclomation? Declared slavery illegal in all Confederate states.
What was the Tenure of Office Act? Makes it so the President can not remove cabinet members without approval of the Senate
Who were the Scalawags? White Southern Republicans
What were the Enforcement Acts Made interfereing with elections or to deny citizens equal protection a federal crime.
What did the General Amnesty Act of 1872 allow? Former Confederates could server in public office.
Why did republicans start losing power in the North? President Grant had been involved in scandals.
What led to the Panic of 1873 A major investor in railroads declared bankruptcy. Railroads started to fail and 18,000 buisnesses failed putting many people with no job
Under Wade-Davis, who could hold Office and vote? Only southerners who swore they never supported the confederacy.
What was the Literacy Test Required of some African Americans in order to vote.
What was the role of labor Unions? To protect workers.
What was "Forty Acres to Farm?" Southern Plantations were broken into 40 acre plots and given to former slaves as compensation for forced labor. It ended up NOT working and the land was given back to its original owners.
Created by: Careless_Izzy
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