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History SG 6

What 2 reasons caused United States-Soviet Union rivalry? The deep-rooted ideological differences. The 2 countries represented opposite ends of the political spectrum. Economically, too, the countries were ideological opposites.
What had the Soviet Unions' government establish? It had established a totalitarian government in which no opposing parties were allowed to exist.
What was the difference between the Soviet Unions and the United States economy? In Soviet communism, the state controlled property & economic activity. Individuals only worked to help the country. In U.S. capitalism, citizens drove almost all economic activity. They had the right to work as they chose & potentially become wealthy.
What was the difference between the Soviet Unions and the United States government? In the U.S. democracy, the people voted to elect a president and a Congress. In the Soviet Union, Communism had removed the czar by force.
Relations worsened after Stalin learned that the United States had kept its development of the ___________ secret. Atomic Bomb
What had the Soviet government done that had caused the US to become more distant? The Soviet government banned democratic parties in countries under its control and arrested non-Communist leaders. Truman had hoped to spread democracy into areas that had been under Nazi control. He viewed Stalin’s actions as intolerable.
To continue growing, American businesses... They also wanted.... -Wanted access to raw materials in Eastern Europe. -To be able to sell goods to Eastern European countries.
What were satellite nations? Which countries were categorized as a satellite nation? -Countries dependent upon and dominated by the Soviets. -Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, and Poland.
In a 1946 speech, Stalin announced that communism and capitalism were incompatible—and that another war was inevitable. Therefore, he said... The Soviet Union would concentrate on producing weapons rather than consumer goods.
What was the "Iron Curtain"? Who created the phrase? It was meant to stand for the division of Europe. It was created by Winston Churchill.
What was the United Nations (U.N.)? The UN charter established a General Assembly, in which every member nation has a voice, and several councils. One of these councils, the Security Council, is charged with maintaining global peace and security.
What was the United Nations made to do? That organization had been established in the closing years of WW2 to prevent conflict. In theory, the UN gave countries a forum in which to peacefully resolve disputes. In practice, however, the UN became a place where opposing nations could face off.
How many countries are part of the United Nations? Who are the 5 permanent countries? It was originally made up of 11 nations—later expanded to 15. Five of these nations have permanent membership. China, France, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom. , and the United States.
What was the Cold War? This was a conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union in which neither nation directly confronted the other on the battlefield. The Cold War would last from1945 until the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991.
What was containment? Used for taking measures to prevent any extension of Communist rule to other countries. Such measures would mostly include diplomatic outreach and financial assistance to countries to help them resist Soviet influence.
Who were the first countries to receive based on the containment policies? Under the containment policy, assistance generally first went to countries near existing Communist states, where Communist influence was likely to be strongest. As a result, Western Europe was the first region to receive U.S. aid.
What was the National Security Act? The 1947 act created two new intelligence agencies to help the president formulate the country’s foreign policy and to prevent future surprises like the attack on Pearl Harbor.
What is the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)? The CIA gathered intelligence from the military and the state department. It also performed covert, or secret, operations in foreign countries.
What was the Truman Doctrine? He declared that the United States would be supporting people around the world who were fighting against outside forces trying to take over their governments.
What was the Marshall Plan? June 1947 Secretary of State George Marshall proposed that the United States provide aid to all European nations that needed it. Over the next four years, 16 countries received approximately $13 billion in aid.
What did President Truman say about the Marshall Plan? He said that this move was directed “not against any country or doctrine but against hunger, poverty, desperation, and chaos.”
What was the Berlin aircraft? In an attempt to break the blockade, American and British officials started the Berlin aircraft to fly food and supplies to West Berlin.
What was the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)? Having 12 nations joining NATO, they each pledged to supply military support for one another in case any members were attacked.
What happened during China's civil war? The Communists led the struggle in the north. The Nationalists under Chiang fought in the south. The United States supported Chiang.
Who led the communists in China? Mao Zedong.
How did the communists in China gain support? In the areas they controlled, Communists worked to win peasant support. They encouraged peasants to learn to read, and they helped to improve food production. As a result, more and more recruits flocked to the Communists’ Red Army.
What had temporarily paused the civil war in China? The invasion of the Japanese.
Why did the nationalists ultimately lose the civil war in China? The weak military leadership and corrupt, abusive practices drove many peasants to the Communist side.
What happened to Taiwan? In May 1949 Chiang, the leader of the nationalists, and the remnants of his demoralized government fled to the island. There, about 100 miles from the Chinese mainland, the United States helped set up a Nationalist government—the Republic of China.
How did the United States react to the results of China's civil war? They believed containment had failed. In Congress, conservative Republicans and Democrats attacked the Truman administration for supplying only limited aid to Chiang. The State Department said what had happened in China was a result of internal forces.
What had happened to Korea during WWII? Some 300,000 Japanese troops had occupied the Korean peninsula, and millions of Koreans were forced into military service or into hard labor.
What was the 38th parallel? When the war ended, Japanese troops in northern Korea, north of the 38th parallel (38° N latitude), surrendered to the USSR. Japanese troops south of the parallel surrendered to the Americans. 2 nations developed, one Communist and one democratic.
South Korea, was established in the zone that had been occupied by the... United States.
What global events led to U.S. involvemet in Korea? After WWII, North Korea had surrendered to the Soviet Union, while South Korea surrendered to America. However, after the invasions lead by North Korea into South Korea, the United States convinced the United Nations that the spread of communism would
What constitutional issues arose when Truman ordered troops to Korea? Many criticized Truman of his orders, stating that the power to declare war was up to the legislative branch, and Congress had not approved, so he was overstepping his limits.
What was the Korean War? Supported by money and materials from the Soviet Union, the North Koreans intended to take control of all of Korea through one quick strike.
The United States convinced the United Nations that the spread of communism would... Pose a threat to the free world and its security.
What did Truman do in reaction to North Korea's invasion? On June 27, in a show of military strength, President Truman ordered troops stationed in Japan to support the South Koreans. He also sent an American fleet into the waters between Taiwan and China.
To stop the North Korean advance, MacArthur... Launched a counterattack with tanks, heavy artillery, and fresh troops from the United States.
In late November 1950, Chinese troops joined the war on the side of... Why? -North Korea. -The Chinese wanted North Korea as a Communist buffer state to protect the northeastern region of Manchuria. They also felt threatened by the American fleet that lay off their coast.
The fight between North Korea and South Korea had escalated into a war in which the main opponents were the... Chinese Communists and the Americans.
To halt the bloody stalemate, in early 1951 MacArthur... Called for an extension of the war into China and for a blockade of the Chinese coast and the use of nuclear weapons. He also wanted to use Chiang Kai-shek’s troops to invade southern China.
Truman rejected MacArthur’s request. Why? Truman did not want the US involved in a massive war. He preferred to fight a limited war, focusing only on containing Communist forces. Plus, the Soviet Union had a mutual-assistance pact with China. Attacking China could set off World War III.
Certain that his views were correct, MacArthur... Tried to go over the president’s head. He spoke and wrote privately to newspaper and magazine publishers and, especially, to Republican leaders.
What did Truman do in reaction to MacArthur's actions? On April 11, 1951, Truman made the shocking announcement that he had fired MacArthur.
Created by: OliviaRoark
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