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History T8

Theodore Roosevelt, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Billy Sunday

Theodore Roosevelt was put in charge of a group of men called the __________________ Riders. Rough
At the age of 15, Laura Ingalls Wilder became . a _________________. school teacher
The temporary buildings set up as a place for Billy Sunday to preach were called __________________. tabernacles
When Billy Sunday quit playing sports professionally, he became a missionary for the YMCA
When Laura Ingalls Wilder wrote her first book, ____________ helped her by editing it. Rose
The first American to win the Nobel Peace Prize was ____________ Theodore Roosevelt
Billy Sunday was the first evangelist to organize a _____________ so mothers could hear the Gospel. nursery
Through Theodore Roosevelt's Square Deal, the ____________ became a national monument. Grand Canyon
Theodore Roosevelt's face is carved on Mount _____________. Rushmore
Theodore Roosevelt's fighting group became famous at the Battle of _______________. San Juan Hill
Billy Sunday was a _____________ player before he became an evangelist. baseball
Billy Sunday was born during the _________________. Civil War
A covered wagon used by pioneers to travel west was called a prairie ___________________. schooner
Theodore Roosevelt received his nickname when he refused to shoot a _____________________ that was tied up. bear
Laura Ingalls Wilder wrote a series of books about _________ life. pioneer
The _____________ Canal was built as a passageway from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. Panama
Laura Ingalls Wilder's sister, Mary, lost her ___________. sight
Billy Sunday played for the Philadelphia White Stockings.. false He played for the Chicago White Stockings
The teddy bear was named after Theodore Roosevelt. true
One of the places Laura Ingalls Wilder lived was Wisconsin. true
The U.S. Forest Service was started by President Roosevelt. true
Theodore Roosevelt was the oldest president of the United States, false He was the youngest
Theodore Roosevelt became known as a reformer, a person who changes something for the better. true
Why did Laura Ingalls Wilder decide to write books? so pioneer lie would not be forgotten
Why did special buildings have to be built when Billy Sunday came to preach. There was no building big enough to hold all the people,
Created by: Smartcrocodile
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