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Quest of a Hemisph 6

Quest of a Hemisphere CH 6

Who founded Georgia and why? James Oglethorpe founded the colony of Georgia to help debtors who were being held in prison in England
How did small trade pave the way for a great industrial nation? Colonists began making extra products from the natural resources to sell or trade. Demand grew for these products creating a need for mills & factories to produce more.
What delayed the growth of manufacturing? Lack of capital , equipment & labor. Land lured working men away from the mills.
How was "freedom of opportunity" protected? "Monopolies" were limited & individual enterprise was encouraged.
"Ye Olde Towne Meeting" Meetings where colonists discussed matters that benefited or concerned their colony. "A training school in political liberty which laid the foundation for our present government"
Town meetings & colonial assemblies had what result? Colonists took an active part in their government gaining political liberty. Government by the people evolved insuring "freedom of Opportunity".
Sir Edmond Andros Appointed Governor in Chief of Massachusetts by King James II to establish "one man rule".
Peter Zenger A printer from Germany who published the "New York Weekly Journal" which exercised freedom of the press by criticizing the appointed governor.
Andros incident Andros set himself up as a dictator over the colonies. he was captured & held prisoner guarded by colonial soldiers until he could be deported back to England.
Zenger incident Zenger was arrested for criticizing Governor Crosby in his newspaper , imprisoned & put on trial. Colonists jurymen found him not guilty and voted in honor of freedom of speech.
What did the Andros & Zenger incidents reveal? The colonists had become accustomed to ruling themselves. They were willing to stand up & fight for the right to govern themselves.
"Description of New England" a description of new England written by John Smith in 1614
Cent Associes French Trading Company headed by CHamplain
venture capital money for investment
indentured a mutual agreement to bind oneself to a set term of service until a "master" was repaid for the cost of the voyage to the colonies
servitude the state of being a slave or completely subject to someone more powerful
foment (verb) to instigate or stir up
George II King of England who supported James Oglethorpe's "debtor" colony in Georgia
James II King of England who tried to destroy town meetings, a system of self government
Created by: cindywells
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