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U.S. Civil War

Mr. Krupp U.S. Civil War Study Guide

What what the nicknames of Northern Soldiers? (Jon Ayala) Yankees=Yanks.
What what the nicknames of Southern Soldiers? (Jon Ayala) Rebels=Reb.
What what the nicknames of North? (Jon Ayala) USA/North/Union.
What what the nicknames of South? (Jon Ayala) CSA/South/Confederacy.
What were the colors of the North? (Jon Ayala) Blue
What were the colors of the South? (Jon Ayala) Grey (Could be Red)
When was the CSA born? (Jon Ayala) February 4, 1861.
What was Fort Sumter? (Jon Ayala) Fort Sumter was one of few Union footholds in the South.
What where Lincolns Dilemmas? (Jon Ayala) 1. Order attack on the fort. 2. Evacuate the fort. 3. "Food for hungry men".
What where Davis Dilemmas? (Jon Ayala) 1. Do nothing. 2. Order attack on the fort.
What happened to Fort Sumter? (Jon Ayala) Confederates attacked and the fort fell out of the Union control.
What were the results of Fort Sumter? (Jon Ayala) United the North; Virginia and other upper Southern states seceded.
What happened in 1863? (Jon Ayala) West Virginia was created.
What did both sides expect? (Jon Ayala) Both sides expected a short, glorious war, but got a blood bath that lasted until 1865. Both sides were passionate and thought it was right.
What was Lincolns vantages? (Jon Ayala) 1. Limited Mandate - won only 40% vote. 2. Highly skilled lawyer and politician. 3. Had an established government. 4. Delegator. 5. Preserve the Union at all cost(s).
What was Davis vantages? (Jon Ayala) 1. Not well liked. 2. Extensive military experience. -West Point Grad. -Fought in Mexican/American War. 3. Created government from scratch. 4. Experienced Representative and Senator. 5. Secretary of War (Defense).
What did Lincoln abuse? (Jon Ayala) His Power.
What was Writ of habeas corpus? (Jon Ayala) Latin for "you have the body"
What did Lincoln due in terms of judges? (Jon Ayala) Gave judges the power to command the presence of a person before court.
What were the sub points of judges? (Jon Ayala) 1. Both accused and accuser must appear before court. 2. It required government to explain WHY a person was being detained.
What happen during Congress? (Jon Ayala) Congress was not in session.
How did Lincoln act his own authority? (Jon Ayala) Lincoln acted on his own authority to suspend habeas corpus during the Civil War, arguing Article 1, Section 9 of the Constitution.
What will not be suspended unless? (Jon Ayala) The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when it Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.
What states were apart of Washington Territory? (Jon Ayala) Washington, Idaho, Parts of Montana and Wyoming (Western Part).
What states were apart of Nevada Territory? (Jon Ayala) Nevada.
What states were apart of Utah Territory? (Jon Ayala) Utah, Parts of Nevada (Eastern Area).
What states were apart of Colorado Territory? (Jon Ayala) Colorado.
What states were apart of New Mexico Territory? (Akshar Patel) Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada (Southern Tip).
What states were apart of Nebraska Territory? (Akshar Patel) Nebraska, Parts of Wyoming (Southern).
What states were apart of Dakota Territory? (Akshar Patel) North Dakota, South Dakota, Most of Montana, Part of Wyoming.
What states were apart of Indian Territory? (Akshar Patel) Oklahoma.
How many states were apart of CSA? (Akshar Patel) 11.
How many states were apart of USA? (Akshar Patel) 24, originally 23 (West Virginia added).
How many states were apart of Border? (Akshar Patel) 6. (5) Missouri, Kentucky, West Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, D.C.
How many states were apart of USA (Excluding Border)? (Akshar Patel) 18.
What was the Union states in Pacific Coast? (Akshar Patel) California, Oregon.
What was the Union states in Midwest? (Akshar Patel) Kansas.
What happened in Fort Sumter? (Akshar Patel) 1. April 1861. 2. Battle of Fort Sumter (South Carolina). 3. First Southern State to Succeed (First Battle).
What was the Essential Question? (Akshar Patel) Why did America fight itself in the American Civil War.
What was Southern Strengths? (Akshar Patel) 1. Fighting on home turf. 2. Closer to supplies. 3. Fight harder because they were protecting their home/way of life. 4. Experienced Military Leaders and Soldiers. 5. 7 of 8 Military colleges in the South. 6. High Moral (Beginning).
What was Southern Weaknesses? (Akshar Patel) 1. Not enough railroads (Transporting soldiers/supplies). 2. Lower population. 3. Little Manufacturing (Guns). 4. No Navy. 5. No rifle works. 6. Gunpowder Imported. 7. Susceptible to blockade. 8. Jefferson Davis (Hard to work with).
What was Southern Economy? (Akshar Patel) 1. Grow their own food. 2. Extremely resourceful. 3. End -- built armories, foundries, mills. 4. Less Money.
What was Northern Strengths? (Akshar Patel) 1. 21 Million People (Larger army). 2. Establish Navy. 3. 5 to 2 advantage of men who could fight. 4. Superior Leadership = Lincoln.
What was Northern Weaknesses? (Akshar Patel) 1. Invade, conquer, and occupy the South. 2. Few experienced military leaders. 3. Fight to maintain Union. 4. Unfamiliar Territory. 5. Thought war would be done quickly.
What was Northern Economy? (Akshar Patel) 1. More factories. 2. Manufactured more weapons. 3. Miles of railroads. 4. Over 90% manufactured goods from the North. 5. More Money.
What did Lincoln appoint Grant in what year? (Akshar Patel) Lincoln appointed him General-in-Chief in March 1864.
When did President Lincoln was killed, by who, and when? (Akshar Patel) April 14, 1865 -> John Wilkes Booth shot Lincoln at the Ford's Theater.
Who else was attacked? (Akshar Patel) Conspirator attacked Sec. of State Seward.
What did the assassination do? (Akshar Patel) The assassination royally screwed over the South for Reconstruction. More on that later.
What did Sherman do? (Akshar Patel) Effects if Blockade, Sherman spread hunger in much of the South.
What did Grant continue to do militarily? (Aamir Haniff) Grant continued to outflank Lee's army until they collapsed at Petersburg followed by Richmond (April 1864)
Where did the CSA surrender? (Aamir Haniff) Confederate army surrounded near Appomattox Court House in VA, April 9, 1865 --> Lee surrendered to Grant.
What happened after the EP? (Aamir Haniff) After the E.P., hundreds of thousands of southern slaves walked away from slaver to seek protection from approaching Union armies.
How many African American soldiers fought in Civil War? (Aamir Haniff) 200ki African Americans fought in segregated regiments in the Union army and navy.
What is an example of African Americans in the Civil War? (Aamir Haniff) Massachusetts 56th Regiment (Glory).
What were the 2 factors of why GB failed to recognize CSA? (Aamir Haniff) 1. Failure of clear CSA victory at Antietam. 2. Emancipation Proclamation made ending slavery the main Objective for the Union. This appealed to British working class.
What was the Trent Affair? (Aamir Haniff) CSA sent delegates to Great Britain for recognition of the CSA. Union stopped ship and delegates held prisoner who were later released nut never gained recognition.
Who were the Raiders? (Aamir Haniff) CSA was purchasing old ships from GB, Union stopped future sales by threatening war with GB.
What was "King Cotton" (Aamir Haniff) GB found other sources for its demand of cotton (Egypt, India).
What strategy did CSA adopt? (Aamir Haniff) The Confederacy adopted a defensive strategy.
Why allies did they seek? (Aamir Haniff) Secure alliances with more powerful countries such as Britain and France.
How would they get allies? (Aamir Haniff) Show it could win the war.
How will it show to win the war? (Aamir Haniff) Confederate army attacked Union territory to draw Union troops away from the South and to impress potential allies.
What was the new strategy of CSA as war continued? (Aamir Haniff) One of evading the Union army, prolonging the war, and inflicting casualties to demoralize the North.
What was Anaconda Plan? (Aamir Haniff) 1. Union Military strategy to strangle the South by blockading its coasts. 2. Control the Mississippi to cut of Confederacy in half. 3. Sherman's March to the Sea. 4. Capture key cities in the South: Richmond, Atlanta, Charleston.
What was the results of the Emancipation Proclamation in North? (Aamir Haniff) Many Northerners felt it went too far; opposed fighting an "abolition war".
What was the results of the Emancipation Proclamation in Border? (Aamir Haniff) Decertations increased from Border States.
What were the other 3 effects of Emancipation Proclamation. (Aamir Haniff) 1. Republicans lost mid-term elections. 2. Abolitionists thought Lincoln did not go far enough; though some pleased. 3. South accused Lincoln of trying to stir up a slave insurrection.
What was Confiscation Act? (Aamir Haniff) Union army could confiscate slaves as they invaded South of the basis they were "contraband" of war.
What was Emancipation Proclamation? (Aamir Haniff) Lincoln's declaration that freed enslaved people in the rebelling territory, but not slaves in the Union or Border States.
What did Grant Direct? (Aamir Haniff) Grant directed Sherman to drive through the South.
What did he do to Lee army? (Aamir Haniff) He pinned down Gen. Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia.
What is the nickname of Grant? (Aamir Haniff) Butcher.
Who was Grant the Leader of? (Aamir Haniff) Leader of the Army of Northern Virginia.
What the conflict of Grant? (Aamir Haniff) 1. Offered command of Union Forces. 2. Opposed secession. 3. Believed in the Constitution and Union. 4. Could not go to war against his own state. 5. Urged others to accept defeat at the end of the war.
Created by: Akpatel
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