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chapter 9 exam

Presidents of the United States and the wars during

precedent an action that is used to guide or as an example for others in the future
Judicial Review the supreme court has the right to rule an act of congress unconstitutional
impressment capture american sailors and making them fight of them (British)
Embargo ban on trade
Cabinet group of advisors for the president
(write out Question) list the first four presidents of the United States George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison
Economic Stability A national bank was established in Philadelphia to print a national currency
Enforcing Laws Washington proved the federal government could and would enforce federal laws
Native Americans Washington sends in the US army to take out the Native Americans
Foreign Countries In congress jays treaty is passed it is very unpopular with the american people
Foreign Conflicts issued the proclamation of neutrality which said america would stay out of conflicts between France and Great Britain
Ending the presidency Washington chose to step down his second term this created a precedent of every president only serving two terms
(wriht out question) What did Washington say about the following topics in his Farewell Address? Foreign Affairs:the great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign nations Political Parties: the name of american which belongs to you in your national capacity must always exalt the just pride of patriotism more than any appellation derived from loc
what happened in the XYZ Affair France was mad about Jays Treaty Punish the US by seizing our ships. Avoided war by sending a delegation to Paris. 3 agents (XYZ) demanded a bribe loan for France
what were the Alien and Sedition Acts? why did people criticize them? Americans anger rose toward France. suspicious of immigrants. Federalists strict laws to protect the nation.
what declared that the alien and sedition acts were unconstitutional? Activities aimed at weakening the established government. president imprison aliens could send dangerous out of country Virginia and Kentucky resolutions- unconstitutional and didn't agree
(write out question)what were the two political parties at this time? Democratic-republican and federalists
what decision split Adams political party? federalists wanted war and Adams said no we want peace
how did Jefferson respond to Britain's impressment of american sailors stop it with embargo act
which country was harmed by the embargo act the USA
who sold the United States the Louisiana Territory? France
What was the result of the Louisiana Purchase they explore it and find great things
what was the goal of the Lewis and Clark Expedition and who went with them were to find water route to the pacific ocean and study things they found and Sacajawea went with them
what was the result of the Lewis and Clark Expedition? reached the ocean and brought back lost of knowledge
the Louisiana Purchase went against which of Thomas Jefferson's beliefs about the constitution and goes against it
(write out question) was Thomas Jefferson a hypocrite? yes because he said a lot of things that were important and went against the like have a national bank he didn't want that but got one anyways he wanted to be equal but he said a lot of unequal things. he didn't want the government to have power but he g
(write out question) what is a Warhawk? what was their significance republicans who favored war with Britain they wanted war/called for war and pressured Madison into declaring war
when did the war of 1812 start why did it start started in spring 1812 started because of violations of us maritime rights, British restricts us trade, impressment of america, US desires to expand
what role did chief Tecumseh play in the start of the war of 1812 built a confederacy of Native Americans nations oppose white settlement. British supported him accepted guns from Great Britain
why was the battle of new Orleans significant? Fought after 1812 the communication was slow so Andrew Jackson didn't know about it
(write out question) what happened at the Battle of Tippecanoe? The native Americans and him were defeated and joined forces with the British
what ended the war of 1812 Treaty of Ghent
(write out question) who wrote the national anthem where was he when he wrote it what inspire him to write it it was the Battle of Baltimore. Francis Scott Key wrote it. He wrote it in the battle field prisoner on a British warship. he was inspired to write it when the smoke cleared and he saw the American flag.
Created by: addshe
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