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WGU-US Presidents

# and facts about presidents

George Washington 1st
George Washington Whiskey Rebellion
George Washington Two-term tradition
George Washington Disliked formation of parties
John Adams 2nd
John Adams French Revolution
John Adams XYZ Affairs
John Adams Convention of 1800
John Adams Peace with Franc
John Adams Alien and Sedition Act
Thomas Jefferson 3rd
Thomas Jefferson Louisiana Purchase
Thomas Jefferson Lewis and Clark
Thomas Jefferson Marbury v. Madison
Thomas Jefferson Established judicial review
James Madison 4th
James Madison War of 1812
James Madison Treaty of Ghent (ending war of 1812)
James Madison Battle of Tippecanoe
James Madison Battle of Horseshoe Bend
James Madison Battle of New Orleans
James Monroe 5th
James Monroe Monroe doctrine
James Monroe Missouri compromise
James Monroe Jackson invades Florida
John Quincy Adams 6th
John Quincy Adams Tarriff of Abominations
John Quincy Adams Henry Clay becomes Sec/State
Andrew Jackson 7th
Andrew Jackson Vetoes Bank of US recharter
Andrew Jackson Indian Removal Act
Andrew Jackson Trail of tears
Andrew Jackson Texas independence
Martin VanBuren 8th
Martin VanBuren Panic of 1837
Martin VanBuren Recognizes republic of Texas
William Harrison 9th
William Harrison Longest speech
William Harrison Died in office
William Harrison Shortest term (died)
William Harrison Pneumonia
John Tyler 10th
John Tyler Texas annexed
John Tyler Maine border dispute
James Polk 11th
James Polk Fifty-four forty or fight
James Polk War with Mexico
James Polk California gold rush
Zachary Taylor 12th
Zachary Taylor Old Rough and Ready
Zachary Taylor Died in office
Zachary Taylor Died of gastroenteritis
Zachary Taylor No to Compromise of 1850
Millard Fillmore 13th
Millard Fillmore Yes to Compromise of 1850
Millard Fillmore California a free state
Millard Fillmore Fugitive Slave Act
Franklin Pierce 14th
Franklin Pierce Gadsen Purchase
Franklin Pierce Pacific Railroad
Franklin Pierce Bought land from Mexico
Franklin Pierce Kansas-Nebraska Act
Franklin Pierce Formation of Republican Party
James Buchanan 15th
James Buchanan Financial crash of 1857
James Buchanan Dred Scott case
Abe Lincoln 16th
Abe Lincoln Civil War
Abe Lincoln Emancipation Proclamation
Abe Lincoln Crittenden Compromise - 36/30
Abe Lincoln Gettysburg Address
Abe Lincoln Died in office (assassinated)
Abe Lincoln Killed by John Wilkes Booth
Abe Lincoln Freedmen's Bureau
Andrew Johnson 17th
Andrew Johnson Midway Islands annexed
Andrew Johnson 13th Amendment (slaves freed_
Andrew Johnson Civil Rights Act
Andrew Johnson 14th Amendment
Andrew Johnson Impeached but acquitted in Senate
Ulysses S. Grant 18th
Ulysses S. Grant Panic of 1873
Ulysses S. Grant 15th Amendment (voting for blacks)
Ulysses S. Grant Overspeculated railroad
Ulysses S. Grant Force Acts (voting for blacks)
Ulysses S. Grant Civil Rights Act of 1875 (equal accomodations)
Rutherford B. Hayes 19th
James A. Garfield 20th
James A. Garfield Assassinated by deranged office seeker
James A. Garfield Assassination led to Pendleton Act
Chester Arthur Chinese Exclusion Act
Chester Arthur 21st
Grover Cleveland 22nd
Grover Cleveland Interstate Commerce Act
Grover Cleveland Dawes Severalty Act (destroys Indian gov)
William McKinley 25th
William McKinley Imperialism
William McKinley Spanish/American War
William McKinley Hawaii annexed
William McKinley Maine sunk
Theodore Roosevelt Panic of 1907
Theodore Roosevelt 26th
Theodore Roosevelt Panama Canal regulations
Theodore Roosevelt Pure Food and Drug Act
Theodore Roosevelt Racial tension
William H. Taft 27th
William H. Taft US steel prosecution
William H. Taft NAACP formation
Woodrow Wilson 28th
Woodrow Wilson Workers' Comp Act
Woodrow Wilson Avoids WWI
Woodrow Wilson Lusitania
Woodrow Wilson Sussex Pledge (Germans won't sink unarmed boats)
Woodrow Wilson League of Nations rejected by Congress
Woodrow Wilson 16th Amendment - income tax
Woodrow Wilson 17th Amendment - Senators elected by people
Woodrow Wilson Income Tax
Woodrow Wilson Jewish Supreme Court justice
Woodrow Wilson 18th Amendment - Prohibition
Woodrow Wilson 19th Amendment (Suffrage)
Warren Harding 29th
Warren Harding Separate peace with Germany
Calvin Coolidge 30th
Calvin Coolidge Dawes Plan (reduce German reparation)
Calvin Coolidge Citizenship for American Indians
Calvin Coolidge Outlaws war
Herbert Hoover 31st
Herbert Hoover Stock Market crash
Herbert Hoover Veterans march on Waashington
Franklin D. Roosevelt 32nd
Franklin D. Roosevelt 100 Days Congress
Franklin D. Roosevelt Legislation to fix Great Depression
Franklin D. Roosevelt Social security
Franklin D. Roosevelt FDIC
Franklin D. Roosevelt UN
Franklin D. Roosevelt Pearl Harbor
Franklin D. Roosevelt Churchill and Stalin
Franklin D. Roosevelt Served four terms
Franklin D. Roosevelt Died in office
Franklin D. Roosevelt US become superpower
Harry Truman 33rd
Harry Truman Employment Act
Harry Truman Feds manage economy
Harry Truman Nagasaki and Hiroshima
Harry Truman Nuremburg trials
Harry Truman Fought spread of communists
Harry Truman Red Scare
Harry Truman 22nd Amendment - 2 term limit
Harry Truman NATO
Harry Truman China goes red
Harry Truman Korean War
Eisenhower 34th
Eisenhower Warsaw Pact
Eisenhower Civil rights
Eisenhower Intervene in Middle East
Eisenhower SCLC
Eisenhower Sit-ins/bus boycotts
Eisenhower MLK's group
Eisenhower Alaska/Hawaii statehood
Kennedy 35th
Kennedy Assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald
Kennedy Cold War
Kennedy Berlin Wall constructed
Kennedy Bay of Pigs
Kennedy Cuban Missile Crisis
Kennedy Space race
Kennedy Nuclear testing banned
Lyndon B. Johnson 36th
Lyndon B. Johnson Great Society
Lyndon B. Johnson Fought poverty/racial injustice
Lyndon B. Johnson Vietnam
Lyndon B. Johnson Civil Rights Act
Lyndon B. Johnson Social Security Act
Lyndon B. Johnson Medicare/Medicaid
Lyndon B. Johnson 24th Amendment - no poll taxes
Lyndon B. Johnson Miranda
Lyndon B. Johnson Black Supreme Court justice
Lyndon B. Johnson Black Panthers formation
Richard M. Nixon 37th
Nixon Watergate
Nixon OPEC embargo
Nixon Alaskan pipeline
Nixon China relations
Nixon Moon landing
Nixon Clean Air Act
Nixon EPA
Nixon War Powers Act
Nixon 26th Amendment - vote for 18 year-old
Nixon Resigns
Nixon Pardoned
Ford South Vietnam falls
Ford Pardons Nixon
Carter 39th
Ford 38th
Carter Iran Hostage crisis
Carter USSR invades Afghanistan
Carter Pardons Vietnam draft evaders
Reagan Tax cuts
Reagan Stock market plunge
Reagan Gorbachev
Reagan NASA shuttle disaster
Reagan Iran-Contra scandal
Reagan First woman supreme court justice
George Bush Gulf War
George Bush Berlin wall falls
George Bush USSR disintegratioin
George Bush War on drugs
Bill Clinton Welfare reform
Clinton 42nd
Carter 39th
Reagan 40th
Clinton 42nd
George Bush 41st
Clinton NAFTA signed
Clinton Troops in Bosnia
Clinton WTC bombed
Clinton Sex scandel
Clinton Impeached but not upheld by Senate
George W. Bush Iraq War
George W. Bush Patriot Act
George W. Bush Guantanamo Bay
George W. Bush WTC/Pentagon attacks
George W. Bush War in Afghanistan
George W. Bush 43rd
Created by: acalkins
Popular U.S. History sets




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