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APUSH units 6-7

American Fedreation of Labor union of skilled laborers who banded together because of the problems in the "Knights of Labor". Focused on issues like the 8-hour workday and better wages through collective bargaining. Led by Samuel gompers
Andrew Carnegie made his fortune in the steel industry, believed in the Gospel of Wealth, sold his company to JP Morgan, gave away most of his fortune before he died
Waving the Bloody Flag tactic of the Republican party after the Civil war, used the idea that they were the party that saved the Union to win the elections in the late 1800s
Booker T. Washington one of the African-American leaders, Atlanta Compromise, black people had to earn the respect of white people through hard work to gain equality
Boomtowns towns that sprang up in the west because of economic opportunity. Usually there because of precious metals and other materials around railroads.
Cheif Jospeh Nez Perce leader of the Nez Perce, violence from their resistence led to them being forced out of their home. Tried to lead his people on a trek to Canada instead but was caught and forced to surrender close to the Canadian border
Coxey's army leader led a group of unemployed workers to Washington D.C. to try and convince the government to help them. Congress did not and most ended up being arrested
Cross of Gold- William Jennings Bryan young politician gave a famous speech at the Democratic Convention. pushed for the minting of silver and propelled him to nomination for president which he lost to William McKinley
Dawes Severality Act gave every Native American head of the household 160 acres of land to farm and citizenship after 25 years. Was created to help Native Americans assimilate into American society but really just ended up giving Native American lands to white people
Eugene Debs Head of American railway union in late 1800s. Angry with government after he was arrested for his involvement in the Pullman strike. Was socialist candidate for president 5 times.
Exodusters Some African-Americans left the South after the civil war and settled in Kansas
Gospel of Wealth it is the responsibility of the rich to give back to society by helping to educate them. He donated to libraries and built Carnegie Hall because he did not believe in giving handouts
patrons of Husbandry initially set up as a way for farmers to socialize but later got more political and help put through state "granger" laws.
Haymarket Square Riot happened after a day of violence at the McCormick reaper plant during a strike against the company. Meeting was called the next day in the town, violence broke out again, 7 policemen were killed, end of the Knights of Labor
Century of Dishonor book written that outlined all of the broken promises and treaties between the U.S. and Native Americans. First time anyone had spoken up on behalf of Native Americans
Homestead Act encouraged Western migration by giving settlers 160 acres of public land in exchange for settlers paying a small filing fee and living on their homestead for 5 years of continuous residence before being given ownerhship of the land
Horizontal Integration strategy where a company creates or acquires production units for outputs that are alike- either complimentary or cometitive (Standard Oil)
Hull House settlement house created by Jane Addams in Chicago. Opened its doors to recently arrived European immigrants. designed to help immigrants adjust to American life
Interstate Commerce Act made the railroads the first industry subject to Federal regulation
International Workers of the World radical labor union formed in 1905
John Muir influential naturalist and conservationist, formed the Sierra Club. Helped preserve Yosemite, Sequoia, and other national parks/land
John D. Rockefeller gained control of 90% of the oil industry before being forced to break it up
Joseph Glidden illinois famer responsible for the creation of barbed wire
Knights of Labor first significant labor union. accepted anyone who wanted to join the union
Laissez Faire economic system in which transactions between private parties and are free from government interference
Little Big Horn battle of litte big horn was a major victory for the Lakota. Lt. Custer was surprised and he and his troops were killed in Southwest Montana. Last major victory for Native Americans
Mechanical Reaper helped farmers increase production
Morrill Act provided each state with 30,000 acres of Federal land for each member of their congressional delegation
New Immigration rather than the earlier northern and western europeans, new immigrants came from southern and eastern europe. led to a rise in nativism
New South mainly agricultural south, plantation owners turned to sharecropping and tenant farming to keep their economy growing
Niagara movement led by W.E.B. Dubois, pushed for immediate equality of African Americans
Oklahoma land rush with the frontier closing Oklahoma was open to settlers, land was taken away from Native Americans
Pendleton Act Federal government jobs are based on merit through a series of competitive exams
Plessy vs. Ferguson "separate but equal" train cars
Populist party formed in 1891 in order to help the farmers with their financial problems
Pullman Strike nationwide railroad strike against the Pullman company
Robber Barons name given to captains of industries who might have gotten their wealth through questionable means
Sand Creek Massacre 1864, while the majority of the males were out hunting Colonel Chivington and his troops attacked the Indian campsite. More than a hundred Indians were killed
Sherman Anti Trust Act first measure passed by the U.S. congress to prohibit trusts
Social Darwinism idea used to promote "survival of the fittest" in the world of business
Social Gospel stressed the teachings of Jesus and how they can be applicable to public life
Tammany Hall political machine that ran New York city. Their boss controlled much of the works in the cities
Tenements cheaper apartments where most immigrants lived in the cities
Transcontinental railroad first one finished in 1969, stretched across the nation
Vertical Integration one firm engaged in different parts of production
Wounded Knee final battle between Natives and soldiers on the frontier. Natives performed ghost dance but the cavalry saw it as a war cry and feared an unrising. Cavalry attacked the Lakota and killed more than 200 men, women, and children
Alexander graham bell inventor in the late 19th century, helped change american society with the invention of the telephone
14 points woodrow wilsons plan for how ww1 should be handled
16th amendment income tax, became primary income for the government rather than relying on the tariff
17th amendment senators voted for directly by the public
Alice Paul promoted women's suffrage, organized parade on Wilson's inaguration day, also pushed for Equal Rights amendment
American Expenditionary Force led by John Pershing, troops the fought in ww1, instrumental in bringing the end of the war
Anti-Imperialist League formed to try to prevent the annexation of the Philippines, opposed any expansion that hindered other people's rights to self-determination
Australian Ballot allowed for a secret vote, idea by the populists
Big Stick Policy U.S. foreign policy with Latin America, Teddy Roosevelt
Conservation we need to preserve our national landscape
Frontier thesis we no longer have a frontier for people to settle, Frederick Jackson Turner said that the west was the reason for the development of American democracy
Ida Tarbell muckraker that helped bring down standard oil
imperialism the U.S. joined other european nations in trying to establish an empire, obtained Puerto Rico, Hawaii, Guam, the Philippines, and other small islands, influenced other countries like Cuba
Jacob Riis prominent muckraker, photographed city life for the poor, showed what life in the slums is really like
Jane Addams women's rights activist that helped immigrants adjust
Meat inspection act a result of Upton Sinclair's book, "The Jungle"
Muckrakers name given to journalists who exposed corruption in politics and business in the early 20th century
Northern Securities Case court case was the first time the Sherman anti trust act had to be used
Open Door Policy China should be open to trade
Pure food and drug act purpose was to protect the public against adulteration of food and products identified as healthful without scientific support
Sedition Act made it illegal to speak out against the war or interfere with the recruitment of soldiers
Treaty of Versailles victorious allies met to decide the fate of the central powers, germany forced to pay heavy reparations
Triangle Shirtwaist fire led to better fire regulations in cities
Yellow Journalism style of journalism that emphasized sensationalism over facts
League of Nations designed to be an international body that would settle problems in the world
Federal reserve act set the interest rate that banks would pay to borrow money from regional banks
18th amendment prohibition
19th amendment gave women the right to vote
scopes trial science vs. religion in schools
Wagner act guaranteed the rights of unions
good neighbor policy we will not interfere in latin american, instead we will be a friend/advisor
Created by: sophiesoup13
Popular U.S. History sets




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