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US History 8 Finals

U.S. History 8- 2021-2022 Finals- Unit 6-10

What is a Labor Union? An organization of workers dedicated to improving wages, hours, and working conditions.
Who were the first group of people to create Labor Unions in the 19th century called? The Lowell Girls.
What was the main method used to protest working conditions by the Lowell Girls? Going on Strike. Nobody in the factories would work so no products were made so in turn factory owners would not make any money.
How were the earliest strikes by factory workers handled? They were "broken" by hired police and frequently ended in the deaths of workers. Some employers hired private companies to imtidimade striking workers or to escort strike breakers.
In what ways did the North differ from the South? -Factory based economy+Free Labor -Urban living (highly populated cities) -Larger Population+New immigrants -Embraced Industrial Revolution -Factory Jobs & Manufacturing
In what ways did the South differ from the North? -Agricultural based economy+Slave Labor -Rural living (Countryside) -White plantation owners dominated the Souths economy -COTTON IS KING -Old transportation methods
Who was the sixth President of the United States? John Quincy Adams.
Who was the seventh President of the United States? Andrew Jackson.
Who was the eighth President of the United States? Martin Van Buren.
Who was the ninth President of the United States? William Henry Harrison.
Who was the tenth President of the United States? John Tyler.
Who was the eleventh President of the United States? James K. Polk.
Who was the twelfth President of the United States? Zachary Taylor.
Who was the thirteenth President of the United States? Millard Fillmore.
Who was the Fourteenth President of the United States? Franklin Pierce.
Who was the fifteenth President of the United States? James Buchanan.
Who was the sixteenth President of the United States? Abraham Lincoln.
Who was the seventeenth President of the United States? Andrew Johnson.
Who was the eighteenth President of the United States? Ulysses S. Grant.
Who was the nineteenth President of the United States? Rutherford B. Hayes.
In cases like Solomon Northup's, why weren't his kidnappers prosecuted? African Americans were not allowed to testify in court.
How did the invention of the cotton gin affect the South? To be profitable growing cotton, it made slavery an economic necessity.
Name 5 push factors. Drought; Flooding; Poverty; War; Crop Failure; Famine; Unemployment; Lack of safety & services.
Name 5 pull factors. Job Opportunities; Fertile Land; Political Stability; Low Crime; Safety; Better Services; More Wealth.
What were ways slaves kept going in spite of the conditions they lived under? Played & listened to music; Made families; Told Stories; Created Family Quilts; Earned little money working; Plans to run away.
Define Secede. To formally withdraw from an alliance or association.
Explain the "Era of Good Feelings". An era marked by the little political disagreement and strong feelings of nationalism following the War of 1812.
What was the belief of 'Manifest Destiny'. The belief that the U.S. was destined to gain control of land in North America, Sea to Shining-Sea.
Why did people move west after territory was gained following the War of 1812? New economic opportunities; population growth; availability of cheap, fertile land; belief in Manifest Destiny; knowledge of overland trails; and cheaper and faster transportation.
What was the Indian Removal Act and why was it taken into affect? The Indian Removal Act relocated Native Americans from their land, and centered them in Oklahoma. Jackson believe relocating the Native Americans would end conflicts between them and white settlers, as well as give the settlers better farming land.
What did the Cherokee Nation do different from other tribes in how they chose to fight the Indian Removal Act? The Cherokee Nation sued Georgia twice.
Who were 'Carpetbaggers'? Regularly accused of trying to make a profit from Reconstruction, carpetbaggers were Northerners who traveled South after the Civil War to work as reformers.
Who were "Scalawags'? Scalawags or rascals were Southerners who supported the government after the Civil War and were seen as traitors to the South.
What did Education Reform in the 1820's to 60's do? Created training schools for teachers; Extended the time children go to school; Made improvements in the schools curriculum; Made school a requirement for all Children.
Name some famous abolitionist. William Lloyd Garrison, Frederick Douglass, Sojourner Truth, the Grimke Sisters, and Harriet Tubman
What were the reasons behind Manifest Destiny? The annexation of Texas, Uninhabited Louisiana territory, and newly gained land in Oregon.
Why were Northerners against the annexation of Texas? Adding Texas would result in another slave state in the Union, which could be split up into smaller pro-slavery states that would disrupt the balance in Congress. Many also feared that it would initiate war with Mexico.
Why did Southerners support the annexation of Texas? Adding Texas would not only give them more farming land, it would also give them another slave state.
What is an 'Opportunity Cost'? Something given up to take advantage of another (or better) opportunity. (Example: Pioneers giving up jobs in the North to start a new life in the West)
Explain the Georgia versus Cherokee Nation Case. The Cherokee Nation sued the state of Georgia because they were being relocated on their tribal land, John Marshalled ruled in their favor, however President Jackson acted over the ruling and used military to force the Cherokee in Oklahoma.
Following the Industrial Revolution in the 1800s, why did so many immigrants flood into the U.S? The Irish immigrated due to the potato famine. Germans came from a failed political revolt. Others because of crop failure or rising taxes, but one significant pull factor was that the U.S. was perceived as the land of economic opportunity.
Prior to the Reform Era, what was the problem with public schooling? All children only went to school until 8th grade, many in the North went and worked in factories. Girls helped their mothers in the homes, and boy either went further in school if they were rich, and went on to become tradesmen.
Who were Mountain Men? The first Americans to go to Oregon and were fur traders and worked with Naive Americans.
The trip to Oregon ranged from 6 to 9 months, during that time, why did so many people fail the journey? They either died of an accidental injury, cholera, or thought that it was too difficult to continue.
What was the cause of the Mexican-American War of 1848? A border dispute between Texas and Mexico. American citizens promised the Tejanos that they would adapt to the rules they were given to stay in the territory, when they didn't and Texas asked for independence, violence ensued between both nations..
Why did slavery not travel into California? People moving to California were miners who were looking to make it big by discovering gold. Having slaves to mine for the workers was considered 'cheating'.
Name the treaty that ended the war with Mexico and what it consisted of. The treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo; Set the border at the Rio Grande; added the Mexican Cession to the U.S.; Paid mexico $15 Million for rebuilding.
What was the Gadsden Purchase? A purchase made by the U.S. for $10 million for some of New Mexico and Arizona, for the purpose of connecting Texas and California by railroad.
What was the Second Great Awakening and what influence did it have on the Reform Era? The Second Great Awakening was a revival of religious feelings in the United States, do good deeds and you'll be rewarded. It made people pay attention to the flaws in society which inspired them to begin to rebuild it.
Who is Horace Mann and what impact did he leave during the Reform Era? Horace Mann was known as the Father of American Public Schools who made changes that we still take into effect today. Teacher training schools, longer school years, requirement to go to school, and no corporal punishments.
Who were the leaders of the Suffrage Movement? Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, Lucretia Mott.
Identify the rights women gained following the Seneca Falls Convention. The right to gain custody of their children, divorce, own their own property, handle their own finances, get a more advanced education, but still could not vote.
Who were the leaders of the Reform Era? Horace Mann, Dorothea Dix, Samuel Gridley Howe, Thomas Gallaudet, Lyman Beecher(although Temperance failed hes still considered a leader).
What are John C. Calhoun, Henry Clay, and Daniel Webster known as? The Tough Guys, three most important political influences prior to the Civil War.
Explain the Missouri Compromise and who created it. Created by Henry Clay, the Missouri Compromise made the 30° 36'N line a marker for how states would be admitted into the Union, either pro or anti slavery. It allowed Missouri to become a slave state with Maine as free.
Explain the Compromise of 1850 and who created it. Made by Henry Clay. California would become a free state, Mexican Cession would be open to slavery, created a stronger Fugitive Slave Act, and banned the slave trade in Washington, D.C.
What were the actions leading us to Bleeding Kansas due to the Kansas-Nebraska Act? By admitting Nebraska as a free state, Kansas would have a vote by popular sovereignty to decide on slavery. As a result, people illegally crossed to borders to vote and conflict grew so much 2 capitals were created, leading to bleeding Kansas.
What were the outcomes of Bleeding Kansas? John Brown's attack on Pottawatomie, Kansas--its pro slavery capital, killing 5. The attack on Senator Sumner by Preston Brooks, due to his direct identification of his uncle during a speech.
List all the reasons of the Civil War. (HINT-It's TISSUES) Tough guys, Industry vs Agriculture, Slavery, State's Rights, Uncle Tom's Cabin, Election of 1860, and Sectionalism.
What was the Dred Scott case and how did it rule upon the Supreme Court? Dred Scott was a slave who sued his owner for his freedom, going through so many appeals his case eventually made it up to the Supreme Court, who ruled against his favor, because under the Constitution he was not a citizen.
What actions followed Lincoln's First Inaugural Address? The secession of South Carolina, later creating the Confederate States of America.
What was the message of Lincoln's 'A House Divided Cannot Stand' Speech? Slavery must be abolished across the whole country for the Union to stay united.
Why was Uncle Tom's Cabin so important for the role it played prior to the Civil War. Uncle Tom's cabin encouraged abolition throughout the North due to its disturbing description of slavery and the harsh conditions slaves were under.
What is Total War? Attack on the home front.
What is so important about the Battle of Antietam? Antietam was a Union victory but both sides of the War suffered heavy losses. Following their victory Lincoln published the Emancipation Proclamation setting slaves free in only rebelling states territory, which was important for the North and South both.
Identify the reason to the Draft and its outcomes. Drafts were set up on both the North and South due to no volunteers, and led to many riots in Major cities in the North.
What was the problem with Civil War medicine? Due to old battle tactics, heavy death toll from new technologies, low supplies, and inexperienced doctors, 2/3 deaths were due to infections in hospitals, from poor hygiene.
What did the Union Victory at the Battle of Gettysburg allow Lincoln to do? Lincoln was able to give the famous Gettysburg Address, connecting his speech to the Declaration of Independence, and reiterating that "all men are created equal" to enhance hope among the Union.
What role did African Americans and Native Americans play during the Civil War? Both served in the army and took important jobs. African Americans worked with the Massachusetts 54th and Native Americans worked under Company K; Sharpshooters. While doing difficult jobs they rarely got recognized for their work or rewarded.
Why were General Grant's surrender terms so generous at the end of the war? By giving the South nicer surrender terms, he tried to prove that they were one in the same nation and were still together.
What roles did spies like Harriet Tubman or Rose O'Neal Greenhow play during the Civil War? For both sides spies carried crucial information on battles, attacks, troop movements, and supply storages.
Who won the Civil War? The Yankees.
Identify the 3 Reconstruction Plans and their goals after the Civil War. Congressional- Punish the South, and elevate African Americans in government. Presidential- Lincoln and Johnson's job to reunite the country. Southern- Equalize everyone, bring down white supremacy and ratify rights for African Americans.
Define Reconstruct To build again.
What was sharecropping? A farming system to keep African Americans indebted to their past owners by supplying their tools and requiring them to pay back with their crops.
What occured at the end of Reconstruction? All the political gains made for African Americans were reversed and they were prevented from voting further on until the 1960s.
What were the goals of the Ku Klux Klan? Terrorize African Americans to keep them out of office and prevent them from voting.
What are the differences between Black Codes and Jim Crow laws? While both were laws to withhold the rights of African Americans, Jim Crow laws tried separating African Americans and whites. Black Codes were local laws trying to keep African Americans at the bottom of the social ladder.
What is the 1st Amendment? The right to freedom of speech, press, religion, press, petition, and assembly.
What is the 4th Amendment? Right that protects people from illegal searches and seizures by government without warrant.
What is the 5th Amendment? The right to remain silent.
What is the 9th Amendment? Protects natural rights of people not specifically listed in the Constitution.
What is the 10th Amendment? Protects the states from federal power and gives power to the state other than rights listed by the government.
What is the 13th Amendment? Abolishes slavery in every part of the U.S.
What is the 14th Amendment? Protection of life, liberty, and property to everyone without due process of law, allows equal protection to everyone under the law, and grants citizenship to all people born on U.S. soil.
What is the 15th Amendment? The right to vote for all males.
What is the 19th Amendment? Grants women the right to vote.
Created by: klj2026000019
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