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Ch 29 vocab

Vocab for Ch 29 for "An American Journey"

Segregation the separation or isolation of a race, class or group
Integrate to end separation of different races and bring into equal membership in society
Boycott to refuse to buy items from a particular place
Civil Disobedience refusal to obey laws that are considered unjust as a nonviolent way to press for change.
Thurgood Marshall NAACP lawyer in Brown v. Board; First African American to serve on the supreme court
Brown v. Board Supreme court case that ended segregated schools
Martin Luther King Jr Baptist minister who became the leader of the non-violent civil rights movement
Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) Civil rights organization founded by MLK
Poverty Line a level of personal or family income below which one is classified as poor according to government standards
Medicare a social program that helps pay for medical care for the elderly
Medicaid social program that gives the states money to help those who cannot afford to pay for their hospital bills
John F Kennedy 1960 democratic nominee for president; championed the New Frontier
Lyndon B Johnson Kennedy's Vice-President; took over the Presidency when Kennedy was assassinated
Lee Harvey Oswald Charged with assassinating President Kennedy
Head Start provided preschool education for low income families
Civil Rights Act of 1964 Act prohibited discriminations against African Americans in employment, voting and public accommodations
Sit-in the act of occupying seats or sitting down on the floor of an establishment as a form of organized protest
Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) Civil rights group made up primarily of young people
Freedom Riders Black and white college students who rode busses from the north to the south to challenge federal bussing laws
Voting Rights Act of 1965 prohibits voting qualifications such as the poll tax or the literacy test
Malcolm X Leader of the Nation of Islam; felt Blacks should fight back if attacked
Black Panthers Militant African American organization; demanded social reforms and where often armed
Feminist activists for women's rights
Equal Rights Amendment Amendment that would state "equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged on the basis of sex"
Sandra Day O'Connor First female Supreme Court Justice
Cezar Chavez Leader of the United Farm Workers; major advocate for Chicano rights
Indian Civil Rights Act 1968 Formally protected the constitutional rights of all Native Americans
AIM American Indian Movement; worked for equal rights and improved living conditions of indigenous people
Created by: Mrs.Harm
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