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Náhle si uvědomil, že ve vlaku zapomněl svůj notebook. He suddenly realised that he had left his laptop on the train.
Nemohla jsem uvěřit, že mi snědl dort. I couldn't believe he had eaten my cake.
Když jsem přišel na večírek, všichni už odešli. When I arrived at the party, everyone had left.
Když jsem zapnul televizi, seriál už začal (=běžel). When I switched the TV on, the series had already started.
Když přijela policie, lupič už zmizel (= byl pryč). When the police arrived, the robber had already disappeared.
Učitel byl zklamaný, protože žáci neuspěli v testu z matematiky. The teacher was disappointed because the students had failed the maths test.
Ten text jsem nemohl přečíst, protože jsem ztratil brýle. I could not read the text because I had lost my glasses.
Věděli jsme, že se stalo něco zlého. We knew that something bad had happened.
Všiml si, že někdo rozbil jeho oblíbený hrnek. He noticed that someone had broken his favourite mug.
Řekla rodičům, že složila zkoušku z chemie. She told her parents that she had passed the chemistry exam.
Včera jsem konečně dočetla knihu, kterou jsi mi koupil k Vánocům. Yesterday, I finally finished the book which you had bought me for Christmas.
Naše auto, které jsme si koupili jen několik měsíců předtím, bylo ukradeno. Our car, which we had bought just a few months earlier, was stolen.
Poté, co si udělal domácí úkoly, se navečeřel. After he had done his homework, he had dinner.
Zvonek u dveří zazvonil, jakmile zavěsila telefon. The doorbell rang as soon as she had hung up the phone.
Usnul, jakmile si lehl na postel. He fell asleep as soon as he had lain down on the bed.
Teresa nebyla doma. Šla nakupovat. Teresa wasn't at home. She had gone shopping.
Bylo mu líto, když továrnu zavřeli, protože v ní pracoval deset let. He was sorry when the factory closed because he had worked there for ten years.
Hotel byl plný, takže jsem byla ráda, že jsme si ho rezervovali předem. The hotel was full, so I was glad that we'd booked in advance.
Nikdy jsem se nesetkal s nikým z Kalifornie, než jsem poznal Jima. I had never met anyone from California before I met Jim.
Tim právě odešel do důchodu, když jsi nastoupil do firmy. Tim had just retired when you joined the firm.
Nešel jsem s přáteli na ten film , protože jsem ho už viděl. I didn't go to see the film with my friends because I had already seen it.
Když jsme vyšli ven, zrovna začalo pršet. When we went outside it had just begun to rain.
V sobotu můj bratr prodal své auto, které měl 20 let. On Saturday, my brother sold his car which he had had for 20 years.
Včera jsem se probudil pozdě a zmeškal autobus, protože mi nezazvonil budík. Yesterday I woke up late and missed the bus because my alarm hadn't rung.
Měli hlad. Už pět hodin nejedli. They were hungry. They had not eaten for five hours.
Nevěděl jsem, kdo to je. Nikdy předtím jsem ho neviděl. I didn't know who he was. I had never seen him before.
Byl velmi unavený, protože se špatně vyspal. He was very tired because he hadn't slept well.
Až do minulého týdne nikdy nehrál fotbal. He had never played football until last week.
Musel jít pěšky, protože se mu porouchalo auto. He had to walk because his car had broken down.
Tom pomohl babičce na zahradě, protože mu to řekl jeho otec. Tom helped his grandma in the garden because his father had told him so.
Created by: tmull
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