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L'Odeur du Cafe Voc

1e - 3e chapitres

la galerie covered porch, veranda, or passage
de fortes fièvres high fevers
garder le lit to stay in bed
narines nostrils
paysage countryside
maigre skinny
laid ugly
vertiges vertigo; dizziness
pente slope/hill
poitrine chest
fait faillite go bankrupt
malgré despite
chapeau de paille straw hat
soupire sigh
sourire smile
comme une anguille like an eel
cheveaux horses
plaits braids
mouches flies
loups garous werewolves
diablesses female demon
cauchemar nightmare
arroser to water
seau bucket
hurler to yell
noyés drowned
poule chicken
ongles fingernails
doigts fingers
dents teeth
je me cache I hide
nid nest
aveugle blind
toit roof
neuve brand new
en sueur sweaty
courir to run
mensonges lies; not the truth
souffle breath or breathing
le bon ange “the good angel” In Voodoo, one of the dualistic aspects of the soul, responsible for personality, character and willpower.
dingue crazy
noeud knot
Created by: melissa_lee
Popular French sets




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