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RID Laws for the NIC

Laws that would need to be known for the written portion of the NIC exam

ADA - American Disabilities Act - 1990 - Prohibits discrimination against individuals with a disability in all areas of life
Rehabilitations Amendments - 1978 - Amendments of 1973 Act: 1) Extended for 3 years 2) Authorization of appropriations for grant programs to assist state, public and nonprofit org. to meet cost 3) Authority to carry out pilot projects with client assistance
Rehabilitations Act - 1973 - Prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in programs conducted by the federal gov't. - E.g. programs receiving federal financial assistance
Federal Court Interpreters Act - 1978 - 1st regulation of the quality of interpretation in the U.S - Spanish interpreters working in federal courts demonstrate proficiency by passing a certification exam
EAHCA - Education for all Handicapped Children's Act - 1975 - Federal law; also known as Public Law 94-142 - Public schools must provide appropriate educational services for all children with a disability from ages 3-21.
The Year RID Began to Evaluate Interpreters.... - 1972
Vocational Rehabilitation Act - 1965 - Provided for 6-18 month extended evaluations to determine if more severely handicapped individuals might benefit from vocational rehabilitation services - Possible to provide services prior to formal acceptance into a program
First Revision of Code of Ethics - 1965 - Original Code of Ethics: " The interpreter shall be a person of high moral character, honest, conscientious, trust worthy, and of emotional maturity."
RID Code of Ethics - 1964 - Muncie, Indiana - Ball State Teachers College
IDEA - Individuals with Disabilities Education Act - Public Law 94-142 - Ensuring equal opportunity, full participation, independent living, and economic self-sufficiency for individuals with disabilities.
Rehab Act 1973 Section 504 - No discrimination based on an individuals disability - Forbids organizations and employers from excluding or denying individuals with disabilities an equal opportunity to receive program benefits and services
CMP - Certification Maintenance Program - July 1st, 1994 - Relies on approved RID sponsors to provide appropriate educational activities for participants
CMP helps to...... - Helps interpreters to maintain integrity and ensure they have ample and varied opportunities to learn, grow, and further develop their interpreting skills
Created by: Katielou94
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