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Unit 3 DT 5.1

Discovery Techbook 5.1

neutrality when a nation refuses to take sides in a dispute
imperialism a strong nation has control of another nation by gaining territory or using political/economic power
Spanish American War a conflict lasting a few months in 1898, US fought against Spanish colonialism in the Americas
Manifest Destiny mId 1800s, US forecasted to spread ideals past our West with culture, economy, and values
Berlin Conference meetings held in 1884-1885 to create rules for European colonization of African countries
territory land and/or water administered by or under the control of a government
expansion extension of a territory by encroaching on that of other nations
jingoism excessive patriotism used in connection with aggressive foreign policy
isolationism a national policy to avoid or withdraw from economic, military, or political relations with other countries.
Monroe Doctrine Monroe would not allow any European countries to establish colonies or use force in the Americas, we'd reciprocate
tariffs a duty or tax placed on imported goods when they enter a country
yellow journalism reporting that exaggerates or sensationalizes stories to sell more newspapers
Rough Riders 1898, Roosevelt's group of volunteers to help in Cuba rid Spanish rule
Treaty of Paris 1898 peace agreement with US and Spain, US acquires Philippines and Cuba
annex to incorporate one state or territory into another, sometimes peaceful, sometimes the result of armed conflict
Open Door Policy the outline for relations between the US and China for the first half of the 1900s declaring all European nations and the US could trade freely with China
Boxer Rebellion 1900, a rural uprising of Chinese peasants blaming foreign interests for the China's problems
Platt Amendment the US assumed the right to interfere in Cuban affairs to help preserve the country’s independence
Roosevelt Corollary coming after the passive Monroe Doctrine, US asked that Euro countries not colonize more in the Americas, and the US would reciprocate
Panama Canal artificial waterway connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. 50 miles long, took 10 years, opened in 1914
Dollar Diplomacy Taft's foreign policy could extend American financial interests in the Caribbean, Central America, and China
free trade has fewer restrictions and lower tariffs on imports and exports within participating countries
Created by: hingram2000
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