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Achievements of Ancient China *writing system *system of money (important for trade and taxes) *bronze weapons *silk *Great Wall *seismograph *standard weights and measures *roads *canals *Silk Road *kite
Anyang capital city near end of Shang Dynasty; closer to river
Confucius philosopher who taught about respect within family; wanted society to be just and good; believed it was necessary to be honest, work hard, and obey rules
Dynasties of Ancient China *Shang *Zhou *Qin *Han
dynasty line of rulers from the same family
geography of China river curved around mountains and desert land which created barriers that made trade and spreading of cultural difficult
Government in Qin Dynasty divided China into 36 provinces; allowed farmers to own land and collected taxes; Shihuangdi weakened noble power by taking weapons and making them move to capital city
Great Wall of China Shi Huangdi ordered border walls be built taller and longer for protection from invaders from the north. It was to be 25 feet high, 20 feet wide, and over 3,000 miles long. IMPORTANT for protection and still stands today
Huang River a river that cuts through the North China Plain also called Yellow River flooded to provide fertile soil
Lady Fu Hao wife of emperor who led an army; led troops to war and ruled her own town
levees built to hold back water from flooding the banks of the Huang River
loess yellow, dusty soil carried by wind; PRO: provided fertile soil but CON: carried away easily and clogged levees
Mandate of Heaven each emperor received right to rule from the gods because of their virutes/goodness
oracle bones used to predict the future used by diviner/oracle
proverb old saying that expresses a truth about life
province political division of land
role of nobles of Shang Dynasty oversaw construction of new towns and became rulers
role of towns of Shang Dynasty important centers of production; supplied food, clothing; people from town were part time soldiers
seismograph instrument used to measure and record details about earthquakes; still used today IMPORTANT because it helped Han rulers send relief to areas hit by earthquakes
Shihuangdi Qin general who declared himself First Emperor of China Harsh ruler Had a spectacular tomb built before he died that included terracotta soldiers to protect him
Silk Road trading route from China to Europe IMPORTANT for trade and spreading of culture
social classes in Ancient China organized like pyramid; top: king and family nobles soldiers, craftworkers farmers bottom: prisoners of war
steppes large area of grasslands; main form of agriculture: herded sheep and cattle on horseback
written records writing system made of characters/symbols; wrote on silk, bamboo, bronze pots, and stone. IMPORTANT for keeping records and taxes
Wudi strong leader during Han dynasty who set up the Grand School to educate people for government jobs
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