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Nervous system diagnosis and treatments.

MRI & CT Used to study structures of brain & spinal cord
functional MRI detects changes in blood flow in the brain when the patient is asked to perform a specific task
carotid ultrasound US of carotid artery to visualize it. Look for blockage (indicating potential future stroke), evaluate placement of stent,
echoencephalography the use of ultrasound imaging to create a detailed visual image of the brain for diagnostic purposes
Electroencephalogram (EEG) Process of recording electrical activity of the brain through use of electrodes attached to scalp.
lumbar puncture (LP) the process of inserting a needle into the subarachnoid space of the lumbar spine to obtain cerebrospinal fluid for analysis
hypnotic agent that induces sleep
Anticonvulsants administered to prevent seizures
barbiturates drugs that depress central nervous system activity, reducing anxiety
sedative depresses the central nervous system to produce calm and diminished responsiveness without producing sleep
anesthesia absence of normal sensation, especially sensitivity to pain, that is induced by administration of anesthetic agent
anesthetic Medication that produces temporary loss of feeling or sensation
epidural anesthesia regional anesthesia produced by injecting medication into the epidural space of the lumbar or sacral region of the spine
general anesthesia involves the total loss of body sensation and consciousness induced by anesthetic agents administered primarily by inhalation or intravenous injection
local anesthesia causes the loss of sensation in a limited area by injecting an anesthetic solution near that area
topical anesthesia numbs only the tissue surface and is applied as a liquid, ointment, or spray
deep brain stimulation (DBS) Neurosurgery in which electrodes implanted in the brain stimulate a targeted area with a low-voltage electrical current to facilitate behavior. Used for tremors and Parkinson's disease.
electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) A treatment that involves inducing a mild seizure by delivering an electrical shock to the brain. Used in an attempt to reverse certain symptoms of mental illness.
lobectomy surgical removal of a portion of the brain to treat brain cancer or seizure disorders that cannot be controlled with medication
anesthesiologist a physician who specializes in administering anesthetic agents before and during surgery
neurologist A physician skilled in the diagnosis and treatment of disease of the nervous system.
neurosurgeon a physician who specializes in surgery of the nervous system
psychiatrist A medical doctor who has specialized in the diagnosis and treatment of psychological disorders. Can prescribe medication.
psychologist A professional with an academic degree and specialized training in one or more areas of psychology. Not a medical doctor, thus cannot prescribe medication.
transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) a treatment that involves placing a powerful pulsed magnet over a person's scalp, which alters neuronal activity in the brain
Electromyography (EMG) utilizes electrodes taped to the skin to measure the transfer of electrical signals in peripheral nerves to the muscles
antipsychotic drugs administered to treat symptoms of severe disorders of thinking and mood that are associated with neurological and psychiatric illnesses
mood stabilizing drugs used to treat mood instability and bipolar disorders; an example is lithium
stimulant Works by increasing activity in certain areas of the brain to increase concentration and wakefulness. Effective in tx ADHD and narcolepsy.
cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) Focuses on changing thoughts that are affecting a person's emotions and actions. These are identified and then are challenged through logic, gathering evidence, testing in action, or a combination of these. The goal is to change problematic beliefs.
Psychoanalysis Based on the idea that mental disorders have underlying causes stemming from childhood and can only be overcome by gaining insight into one's feelings and patterns of behavior
hypnotherapy The use of hypnosis to produce an altered state of focused attention in which the patient may be more willing to believe and act on suggestions
shunt tube implanted in the body to redirect the flow of a fluid
Created by: jfoote
Popular Pathology sets




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