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Unit 2 Review

Senate Represent states equally
House of Representatives Represent entire public of state
What public policies are created by Congress? Passing federal budgets, raising revenue, declaring war and maintaining armed forces, and enacting legislation that addresses various issues
Functions of Congress Originate revenue bills (House), initiate impeachment (House), breaks ties for president in electoral college (House), impeachment trials (Senate), create and pass bills
Role of the Speaker of the House Leader of majority party and only House leadership position listed in Constitution; comments on floor speeches and organizes members for conference committees
Role of the President of the Senate The VP and tie breaker although often the pro tempore fulfills this duty
Filibuster Stalling tactic to slow down or kill a bill (Senate)
Cloture Ends filibuster with 2/3rd vote to stop debate on a bill
Role of the Rules Committee Very powerful, decides what will reach the floor for debate
Role of the Committee of the Whole Includes all members of the House; only 100 members necessary for a vote
Discharge Petition Brings bill to floor (218 signatures brings bill out of committee)
Discretionary Spending Can be debated on how to spend funds
Mandatory Spending Payments are required by law
Examples of Mandatory Spending Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid
Example of Discretionary Spending Military budget
Entitlement Programs Provides benefits to all eligible citizens
Examples of Entitlement Programs Unemployment insurance, disaster relief, disability payments
Pork Barrel Legislation Funds put aside for specific purposes in legislator's district
Logrolling Effect Trading votes to gain support for a bill
What influences congressional behavior and governing effectiveness? Partisanship and divided government
Gerrymandering Drawing district lines to benefit political party
Redistricting Reshaping congressional districts
Baker v Carr (1961) One person, one vote
Shaw v Reno (1993) Race cannot be sole factor in redrawing legislative boundaries
"Lame-duck" Presidency TIme period from election until new president takes office in January
Trustee Entrusted by constituents to use their best judgement
Delegate Trying to reflect will of consituency
Politico Mix of trustee and delegate, votes in a way that makes most sense to them at the time
Veto President does not sign a bill into law
Pocket Veto A bill that is given to president in last 10 days of congress that no action is taken on and bill dies
Foreign Policy Commander in chief and treaties (formal), executive agreements (informal)
Executive Order Official directive from US president that has much of the same power as a law
Signing Statements Explains interpretation of bill when signing into law
What formal powers are given to the president? Veto and pocket veto, commander in chief of military, ability to enter into treaties with other countries with senate approval, and ability to make political appointments
What informal powers are given to the president? Executive agreements, executive orders, and signing statements
How does the president justify their use of formal powers? Justified by Article II of the Constitution
How does the president justify their informal powers? Justified by what is deemed necessary for the office
Federalist 70 Deals with the executive branch (president)
Federalist 78 Deals with the judicial branch (Supreme Court judges)
22nd Amendment Limits presidential terms
Bully Pulpit Public office or position of authority that provides holder with opportunity to speak out and be listened to on any matter
Article III of the Constitution Establishes judicial branch
Marbury v Madison (1803) Added to checks and balances by establishing judicial review; gives federal courts the ability to declare legislative and executive acts unconstitutional
Stare Decisis Legal term used when a precedent is used
Judicial Activism Interpretation of Constitution to advocate contemporary values and conditions
Judicial Restraint Court should uphold all acts of Congress and state legislatures unless they violate the Constitution
List some federal bureaucracies DMV, FBI, CDC, Postal Service
Iron Triangle Shows how interest groups, bureaucratic agencies, and Congress interact with each other and get things done in government
Power of the purse Ability to tax and spend public money for national government programs
Created by: erynfabro
Popular American Government sets




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