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MTTC - Elementary Ed

U.S. Government

The 6 basic principles of the Constitution Popular Sovereignty, limited government, separation of powers, checks and balances, judicial review, and federalism
where the people establish government & give power to it; the government can function only with the consent of the people popular sovereignty
the Constitution specifies limits on government authority, and no official or entity is above the law limited government
power is divided among 3 government branches: legislative, judicial, and executive branches separation of powers
Congress is under which branch of government? legislative branch
The President is under which branch of government? executive branch
The federal courts are under which branch of government? judicial branch
this is a system that enforces the separation of powers and ensures that each branch has the authority and ability to restrain the powers of the other 2 branches (this prevents tyranny) checks and balances
judges in the federal courts ensure that no act of government is in violation of the Constitution; if an act is unconstitutional, the judicial branch has the power to nullify it judicial review
this is the division of power between the central and local governments; this limits the power of the federal government and allows states to deal with local problems federalism
based on the rule of local lords who are loyal to the kind and control the lives and production of those who work on their land feudalism
this form is a representative democracy; small groups of elected leaders represent the interests of the electorate classical republic
a king or queen has complete control of the military and government absolute monarchy
an individual or group has unlimited authority; there is no system in place to restrain the power of the government authoritarianism
those in power are not held responsible to the people; people don't have a say dictatorship
this is rules by one person (despot), not necessarily a monarch who uses power tyrannically autocracy
a small, usually self-appointed elite rules the region oligarchy
this is a government based on the rule of the people that protects individual rights and freedoms from any intolerance by the majority liberal democracy
all facets of the citizens' lives are controlled by the government totaltarianism
Ancient Greek philosophers _________ and _____ believed political science would lead to order in political matters, and that this scientifically organized order would create stable, just societies Aristotle, Plato
adapted the ideas of Aristotle into Christian perspective; stated that individuals should have certain rights, but also certain duties, and that these rights and duties should determine the type of government rule Thomas Aquinas
author of "The Prince"; was a proponent of politics based solely on power Niccolo Machiavelli
in this system, the government involves a legislature and a variety of political parties; the head of government, usually the Prime Minister, is typically the head of the dominant party; a head of state can be elected parliamentary system
in this system of government, the people elect their government representatives democratic system
Greek word that means "for the rule of the people" democracy
this kind of democracy where each issue or election is decided by a vote where each individual is counted separately direct democracy
this kind of democracy employs a legislature that vote on issues that affect large number of people whom the legislative members represent indirect democracy
The US is a ____________ ________ _________. presidential indirect democracy
this was based on principles established by the Magna Carta in 1215, the 1688 English Bill of Rights , and the 1776 Virginia Bill of Rights; in 1791, the federal governments added 10 amendments to the Constitution The United States Bill of Rights
So far, there have only been __ amendments added to the federal Constitution 27
The ________ __ ______ in the federal government system is as follows: national, concurrent, and state levels division of powers
this level can coin money, regulate interstate and foreign trade, raise and maintain armed forces, declare war, govern US territories and admit new states and conduct foreign relations national level
this level can levy and collect taxes, borrow money, establish courts, define crimes and set punishments, and claim private properties for public use concurrent level
this level can regulate trade and business within the state, establish public schools, pass license requirements for professionals, regulate alcoholic beverages, conduct elections, and establish local governments state level
There are 3 types of _________ ______ granted by the Constitution: expressed or enumerated powers, implied powers, and inherent powers delegated powers
powers that are specifically spelled out in the Constitution expressed/enumerated powers
powers that are not expressly stated, but are reasonably suggested by the expressed powers implied powers
powers that aren't expressed by the Constitution but ones that national governments have historically possessed. such as granting diplomatic recognition Inherent powers
powers that aren't granted to the national government, but not denied to the states reserved powers
powers that are reserved to the national government, including concurrent powers exclusive powers
In the early 1800s, states to began to eliminate ________ _________ and ___ _______ ______________. property ownership, tax payment qualifications
By 1810, there were no more _________ _____ for voting. religious tests
The 15th amendment protected citizens from being denied the right to vote based on their ____ or ______. race, color
In 1920, the _____ _________ prohibited the denial of the right to vote because of gender 19th amendment
The ____ __________ added the voters of the District of Columbia to the presidential electoral and eliminated the poll tac as a condition for voting in federal elections 23rd amendment
This prohibited the disenfranchisement through literacy tests and various other means of discrimination The Voting Rights Act of 1965
In 1971, the ____ _________ set the minimum voting age to 18 years of age 26th amendment
1803; Supreme Court case where the ruling established judicial review as a power of the Supreme Court Marbury v. Madison
1857; Supreme Court case where the decision upheld property rights over human rights in the case of a slave who had been transported to a free state by his master, but was still considered a slave Dred Scott v. Sandford
1954; Supreme Court case where the Court ruled that segregation was a violation of the Equal Protection Clause and that the "separate but equal" practice in education was unconstitutional Brown v. Board of Education
1966; this ruling made the reading of Miranda rights to those arrested for crimes the law; ensured that confessions could not be illegally obtained and that citizen rights to fair trials and protection under the law would be upheld Miranda v. Arizona
made by Abraham Lincoln on November 19th, 1863; dedicated the battleground's cemetery Gettysburg Address
made by Woodrow Wilson on January 18th, 1918; this outlined Wilson's plans for peace and the League of Nations Fourteen Points
made by Franklin Roosevelt on December 8th, 1941; declared war on Japan and described the attack on Pear Harbor as "a day which will live in infamy" Address to Congress
made by John F. Kennedy on January 20th, 1961; contained the famous line "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country" Inaugural Address
made by John F. Kennedy on June 26th, 1963; contained the famous line " Ich bin ein Berliner" which expressed empathy for West Berliners in their conflict with the Soviet Union Berlin Address
these two were made by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on August 28th, 1963 and April 3rd, 1968, respectively, these speeches were hallmarks of the Civil Rights Movement "I Have a Dream" & "I See the Promised Land"
made by Ronald Reagan on June 12th, 1987; this speech was about the Berlin Wall and the end of the Cold War; contained the famous line "tear down this wall" Brandenburg Gate Speech
a means for members of a political party to participate in the selection of a candidate from their party to compete against the other party's candidate in a general election direct primary system
a party nominating election where only one declared party members can vote; currently 26 states and DC use this system closed primary
a party nominating selection where any qualified voter can partake; voter votes at a public polling place about which primary to participate in, and the choice doesn't depend on any registration or previous choices open primary
allowed voters to vote in the primaries of both parties; was used at various times by 3 states; the Supreme Court ruled against this practice in 2000 blanket primary
The 4 types of federal taxes income tax on individuals, income taxes on corporations, excise taxes, and customs duties
income taxes a part of a complex system because of demands for various exemptions/rates; the schedule of rates can be lowered to raised according to economic conditions in order to stimulate or restrain economic activity income tax on individuals
income taxes that are the same complexity of exemptions and rates for individuals; can be raised or lowered according to the need to stimulate or restrain the economy income taxes on corporations
taxes on specific goods (i.e. tobacco, liquor, automobiles, gas, air travel, etc.) excise taxes
taxes imposed on imported goods; serve to regulate trade between the US and other countries customs duties
The Constitution of 1787 gave the US Congress the central authority to _____ or ____ _____ and to regulate its value. print , coin money
The currency system is based on a ________ ____ ______. modified gold standard
The __________ ___ __ ____ established the following entities to combat unemployment: The Council of Economic Advisers, the Economic Report of the President, and the Joint Economic Committee Employment Act of 1946
this is composed of a chair and 2 other members appointed by the President and approved by the Senate; assists the President with the development & implementation of US economic policy; located in the Executive Office; forecast economic trends Council of Economic Advisers
this is presented every January by the President to Congress; the report recommends a program for maximizing employment and may also recommend legislation Economic Report of the President
this is a committee composed of 10 members of the House and 10 members of the Senate that makes a report early each year on its continuous study of the economy; study is conducted through hearings and research Joint Economic Committee
aka a congressional system; the legislative branch and the executive branches are elected separately from one another presidential system
an organization that advocates a particular ideology and seeks to gain power within government political party
party system where only one political party holds power single-party system
party system that allows for multiple parties in opposition of one another; however, the dominant party is the only party considered to have true power dominant-party system
party system where there are 2 dominant political parties (example: the US) two-party system
founded in 1792; began as a conservative party in the mid-1800s, shifting to the left during the 1900s; symbol is the donkey Democratic Party
the official organization of the Democratic Party; develops and promotes the party's platform and coordinates fundraising and election strategies Democratic National Committee
often referred to as the GOP; considered socially conservative and economically nonliberal relative to the Democratic Party; official symbol is the elephant Republican Party
the official organization of the Republican Party; develops and promotes the party's platform and coordinates fundraising and election strategies Republican National Committee
_____________ _________ are every 2 years. Congressional elections
Members of the _____ __ _______________ are elected for a 2 year term and elections occur every 2 years on the first Tuesday after November 1st in even years; a representative is elected from each of 435 House districts in the US House of Representatives
Members of the ______ are elected to 6 year terms; 1/3 of this group is elected every 2 years by the electoral of states Senate
The country is divided by _____________ _________ and critics argue that this division eliminates voter choice, sometimes creating areas where Congressional races are uncontested congressional districts
every 10 years, _____________ of Congressional districts occurs redistricting
_____ ___________ are elections that are regulated by state laws and constitutions state elections
this represents the collective attitudes of individual members of the adult population in the US; includes public relation efforts, political media, and the mass media; often measured/evaluated using survey sampling public opinion
Created by: jmeeker
Popular American Government sets




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