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CE U2: Foundations

Principles and Documents

What does foundation mean? The ideas that support the start of something
What does principle mean? an idea or belief that forms the basis of something
What does consent mean? permission
What does public mean? of, relating to, paid for by, or working for a government
What does officeholder mean? a person who has an official job or position (especially in government)
What does conduct mean? to plan and do
What does elect mean? to choose to do something
What is consent of the governed? citizens give authority to the government in exchange for protection of their rights
What is limited government? Government is not all-powerful and may only do only those things the people have given it the power to do
What is rule of law? Everyone, including government officials, must follow the law
What is a representative government? People elect public officeholders to make laws and conduct government on the people's behalf
What is a democracy? In a democratic system of government, the people rule
What does concept mean? an idea of what something is or how it works
What does articulate mean? to express an idea in words
What does guarantee mean? to promise that something will happen or be done
What is a grievance? a complaint
What does affirm mean? to show a strong belief in or dedication to
What does central mean? national (example: DC)
What document established rule of law for the first time in English government and gave Englishmen basic rights and freedoms? Magna Carta
What year was the Magna Carta signed? 1215
By signing the Magna Carta, it was established for the first time that everyone, including the ______________ was subject to the law. king
What did the Charters of the Virginia Company of London do? guaranteed the rights of Englishmen to colonists
When was the Charters of the Virginia Company of London signed? 1606
What did the Virginia Declaration of Rights do? It served as a model for the Bill of Rights
When was the Declaration of Independence signed? July 4th, 1776
The Declaration of Independence stated _________________________ against the king of Great Britain, King George III. grievances
The Declaration of Independence declared ________________________. independence from Great Britain
The Declaration of Independence affirmed the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness
The Declaration of Independence affirmed the idea that all men are created equal
The Articles of Confederation established the ______________ form of national government for the independent states. first
The Articles of Confederation maintained that major powers resided within individual ____________. states
The Articles of Confederation created a _______________ central government. weak
In the Articles of Confederation, Congress couldn't __________ or enforce _______________ tax; laws
The weaknesses in the Articles of Confederation led to the writing of the _______________________. US Constitution
Created by: ElliottED
Popular American Government sets




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