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Chapter 11 Key Terms

Revolution of 1800 Electoral victory of Democratic Republicans over Federalists who lost their congressional majority and the president. Peaceful transfer of party.
Patronage practicing of rewarding political support with special favors. Thomas Jefferson dismissed Federal Employees.
Judiciary Act of 1801 passed by departing Federalist congress, it created 16 new federal judge ships ensuring federalists in judiciary.
Midnight Judges Federal justices appointed by John Adams before the end of his presidency. Positions were revoked with newly elected congress.
Marbury v. Madison Supreme Court established the principle of the "judicial review" . idea that supreme court has final authority.
Tripolitan War 4 yr conflict, between American Navy and North African nation over piracy. First official war under Thomas Jefferson.
Louisiana Purchase 1803, Louisiana Territory from France. Napoleon sold to Jefferson.
Corps of Discovery 1804-06, led by Meriwhether Lewis and William Clark to explore Louisiana territory and find a water route to pacific.
Orders in Council Edicts issued by british crown, closing French owned European ports to foreign shipping.
Impressment recruitment by force, a practice that directly affected the United States. Act of seizing for public use.
Chesapeake Affair naval engagement, coast of Norfolik, Virginia symbol of degraded relationship between Great Britain and U.S lead to war of 1812.
Embargo Act a general tract embargo on all foreign nations that was enacted by U.S congress -carrying war materials.
Non-intercourse Act last 16 days of Jefferson's presidency, congress replaced embargo's act.
Macon's Bill No. 2 prohibited british & french warships from entering american harbors/waters intended to stop seizing.
Warhawks composed of young southerners & westerners elected to U.S congress wanted war w/britian.
Battle of Tippecanoe Nov 17, 1811. fought over expansion over Indian territory, primary catalyst for war of 1812.
Thomas Jefferson third president, john adam's vice president, democratic republican, first secretary of state, responsible for Louisiana Purchase.
Sally Hemings a slave owned by Thomas Jefferson, had a relationship with him.
Albert Gallatin appointed in 1801 by Thomas Jefferson to be secretary of treasure. was in office for 13 yrs.
John Marshall became the 4th chief justice of the supreme court.
Samuel Chase associate justice of supreme court, was impeached-(idea of Thomas Jefferson).
Napolean Bonaparte French leader & emperor, conquered much of europe, sold Louisiana to Thomas Jefferson.
Robert R. Livingston he negotiated the Louisiana purchase from the french.
Toussiant Louverture fought for the cause of Haitian slave independence, prominent leader during Haitian Revolution.
Meriwether Lewis a leader of the lewis & clark expedition of Louisiana territory, appointed by Thomas Jefferson.
William Clark expedition to pacific northwest with meriwether clark to Louisiana.
Aaron Burr third vice president, under thomas jefferson.
James Madison 4th president of the u.s, wrote the federalist papers, helped with the bill of rights.
Tecumseh famous indian leader, promoted resistance the expansion of the states on their land.
Tenkwatawa "the prophet" leader of the shawnee tribe, religious leader, worked to create an indian confederacy to resist american enroachment on indian lands.
Created by: AilesanF
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