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Sociology test


Define social sciences? The scientific study of human society and social relationships
Identify and explain the various types of social sciences: Sociology, anthropology, psychology, economics
Define sociology: The study of the development, structure and functioning of human society
What is the everyday actor? Everyday actor- Has the practical knowledge needed to get through daily life, but not necessarily the scientific or technical knowledge of how things work
What is the social analyst? Social analyst- Studies the social world in a systematic, comprehensive, coherent, clear, and consistent manner in the pursuit of scientific knowledge
List the three theoretical perspectives of sociology: Conflict perspective, functionalism perspective and symbolic perspective
Define social phenomena Individual and external occurrences within a society that influences behavior
Define sociological perspective: Looking beyond commonly held beliefs to the hidden meanings behind human actions
Define sociological imagination: Ability to see the context which shapes your individual decision
What is the functionalist perspective? Give an example A perspective that views society as a set of interrelated parts that work together to produce a stable social system.
Define a latent function. The unsought consequences of a social process
Define a manifest function The consequences of a social process that are sought or anticipated
What is dysfunction? Social processes that have undesirable consequences for the operation of society
What is anomie? Disconnect
Identify the difference between mechanical and organic solidarity: Mechanical- A result of similarities between members of a society Organic- A result of the interdependence among members of a society
What is the conflict perspective? Give an example. A perspective that focuses on the forces in society that promote competition and change.
Feminist perspective is related to which larger perspective? Conflict perspective
What is the interactionist/symbolic perspective? Give an example. A perspective that focuses on how individuals interact with one another in society.
The study of tattoos in society would relate to which perspective? Symbolic perspective
School authority and power, is related to which perspective? Conflict perspective
Students interacting with one another in school, is related to which perspective? Symbolic perspective
School integrating cultural beliefs and values to students, is related to which perspective? Functionalism perspective
Who is the founder/father of sociology? Auguste Comte
What perspective did Karl Marx focus on? Conflict perspective
Who was Herbert Spencer influenced by? How did this individual influence him? (ideas) Charles Darwin. He believed in his “survival of the fittest” phrase
Who was Charles Darwin? He influenced Herbert Spencer. he was a pioneering English naturalist.
Who translated Comte’s work? Herriet Martineau
What is macro-sociology? A large scale approach to sociology. (Conflict and functionalist perspective)
What is micro-sociology? The study of small systems of social behavior. (Symbolic perspective)
How does applying sociological perspectives enable sociologists to develop a greater understanding of social issues? It helps you see that all people are social beings and that our behavior is influenced by the social factors that we grew up around and behaviors we have learned from others.
How do the social sciences of psychology and history compare and contrast to that of sociology? (Be sure to explain each social science in your comparison) Psychology studies mental processes and behavior, history is the study of past events in human society whereas sociology primarily focuses on individual behavior rather than on group behavior.
Give an example of a manifest and a latent function of the functionalist perspective: (Do not use the examples we discussed in class) An example of manifest function would be going to college and getting an education and an example of a latent function would be taking loans and having struggles to pay it back.
What does it mean to possess a sociological imagination, provide an example of a personal problem that in fact can be tied to a public issue and explain that point of view? Being able to see a connection between the world and your personal life
What is an example of both a latent and manifest function of society? Manifest function- A car, which is intended to get us from point A to point B Latent function- Sleeping in a car or getting injuries from a car accident
Created by: 22toestm
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