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Chap 7 virginia hist

5th Grade Virginia History

What frontier fighter captured three British forts in 1778? George Rogers Clark
Why was the French and India War fought? France and Britain claimed the same land in North America
What did the Virginia Convention urge the Continental Congress to do declare independence from Britain
Who led Virginia militia in the French and Indian War? George Washington
What did Britain force on the colonists that made them decide to break away? the Stamp Act and the Townshend Act
What were the Virginia slaves offered in return for fighting in the American Revolution? freedom
Who rode to Charlottesville in June 1781 to warn Virginia's lawmakers of British plans to capture them? Jack Jouett
Why were Virginia's Committees of Correspondence formed? to share information with other colonies
When was the Declaration of Independence signed? 1776
What was the final event of the American Revolution? the battle at Yorktown
militia a military troop made up of men who are not professional soldiers
loyalist one who sided with Britain and opposed American independence
patriot a colonist who supported the American Revolution
Declaration of Independence a statement explaining the colonies' decision to break away from Britain
A lawyer from Virginia who's "Give me Liberty or give me death" speech encouraged the colonists to rebel against Britain Patrick Henry
Who wrote the Declaration of Independence? Thomas Jefferson
What Virginian organized a cavalry unit, a group of soldiers who fought on horseback? Lighthorse Harry Lee
What did the French and Indian War teach the colonists? How to be better soldiers and they saw the strengths and weaknesses of the British Army
Why did the Indians help the French instead of the colonists during the French and Indian War? The French were traders and were fair to the Indians where the British were farmers and fought the Indians off of their own land.
What was the Continental Congress? A meeting of leaders that met in Philadelphia to make decisions for the colonies
Why was the capital moved from Williamsburg to Richmond? Lawmakers feared an attack on the capital by the British navy and felt an inland location would be safer
Jefferson's home Monticello
The British general who surrendered at Yorktown Charles Cornwallis
Created by: libbykaly
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