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Vietnam War

What did Title IX do/provide for? This bans sex discrimination in higher education.
What were the Paris Peace Talks? Talks with North Vietnam that led to an agreement by the Nixon administration to withdraw all U.S. troops from Vietnam in 1917.
What effect did the expanded bombing that President Nixon authorized from 1969 to December, 1972 have on the North Vietnamese military effectiveness? The expanded bombing did nothing to break the will of the North Vietnamese leadership, though damage and civilian casualties were high.
What does the term "fragging" mean/ refer to? Sometimes lethal attacks on officers by enlisted men.
What tragedy happened at Kent State University in May, 1970? Four protesting students were filled.
When did the cease - fire for the Vietnam War take place? January 27, 1973
What were the SALT I and ABM treaties? Major treaties negotiated with the SOviet Union to reduce the world’s supply of nuclear weapons.
What does the term "New Economic Policy" mean/ refer to? A policy that ended the decades-long plan in which all other currencies would be based on the U.S. dollar
Why did the U.S. spray defoliants? To deny Communist forces food and jungle hiding places.
What percent of all sorties (“combat flights”) were flown in South Vietnam? 75%
What were “Arc Light” missions? 6, B-52’s that carpet bombed free fire zones, blanketing miles of countryside with 100’s of bombs.
Why were the people of South Vietnam angry about bombing missions that the U.S. conducted? Because their land was being bombed by the very people who claimed to be protecting them from external Communist aggression.
What type of aircraft did Lun Huy Chao fly? Mig-17
What 3 types of aircraft did the U.S. fly according to Chao? F-4, F-8, F-105.
Why was Chao “confident” about being shot down? If he was shot down, he would be landing in his own country.
Why does he say that pilots from neither side should be sorry they shot down enemy jets? Because that’s what they had to do; it was their orders.
What did George Jacobson tell Zorthia was going on at the U.S. embassy once he finally got ahold of him? That VC commando infiltrators had penetrated his house and he could hear people downstairs. There was shouting outside his side of the compound.
What had General Westmoreland said about the Vietnam War in November 1967 (just before the Tet Offensive)? That the beginning of the end of the war was in sight.
Was General Westmoreland aware that something might happen during the Tet holiday? Yes
What is 1 example of corruption that Zorthian mentions? Senior government officials and generals were involved in the drug trade. Wives of Vietnamese officials “used their power behind the scenes to enrich themselves”.
How, according to Zorthian, were the North Vietnamese eventually able to force the U.S. to withdraw? By inflicting huge casualties on U.S. forces and devastating the South Vietnamese forces.
How did high school students learn that a former classmate had been killed in Vietnam? They announced it over the PA system.
What happened to Dougan’s friend Greg Fishcher? He was killed in Vietnam at Dong Ha near the DMZ.
What does Dougan say is the “only tribute you could pay” to friends who died in Vietnam? To visit their grave and pay respects.
What happened after Marshall sent a letter to his family telling them that he had been discharged from the military for being a “conscientious objector”? His father didn’t talk to him for a year and his grandfather wrote him a letter and disowned him.
Why was it a “mixed blessing” to get a letter from your loved one who was serving in the North Vietnamese army? Because it took so long to get the letter that getting one didn’t mean necessarily that they were still alive.
How long was Huynh Phuong Dong away from her husband before they saw each other again? How long before he saw their children again? A: 10 years. 13 years.
In the introduction for this story, what does it say that Colburn did during the My Lai Massacre? Helped stop some of the killing by landing his helicopter in the middle of the massacre to protect a group of villagers from G.I.’s.
What did Colburn witness Capt. Medina do to a girl who was wounded and lying in the grass? He witnessed Medina abuse and then murder her.
What happened when they flew over a ditch “where more than a hundred Vietnamese had been killed?” They saw movement, so they landed and Andreotta rescued a young boy from the ditch and took him to an orphanage.
What is the “Domino Theory”? The idea that if one country in Southeast Asia “fell” to Communism, the others in the region would also “fall like dominos” and become Communist.
What did Ngo Vinh Long’s father tell him about race relations in the U.S.? Was it true? He said that the U.S. was “racially harmonious” and beautiful. This was not true; there was a lot of inequality, discrimination, & segregation between whites and African Americans in the U.S. at this time.
What is 1 example of privilege and/or inequality Long experienced? He is given free Coca-Cola at the Sportif; when he got to America, people made fun of him because he had never had a car. (There are other examples, too.)
What does the term “Viet Cong” mean/ refer to? “Vietnamese Communist”.
What does “NLF” stand for? National Liberation Front of South Vietnam.
What did President Kennedy think about “Communist victory in South Vietnam”? It was an intolerable prospect, a blow to American power and prestige that would almost certainly lead to further Communist victories throughout Southeast Asia”.
Who really were the “advisers” that were sent to Vietnam while President Kennedy was in office? They were really fighter pilots, helicopter pilots, Special Forces teams, and regular Army officers and enlisted men.
What does the acronym “ARVN” stand for? Army of the Republic of Vietnam.
What did Olsen say about the South Vietnamese army while he was there as a pilot in 1962? He said that they were “soft” compared to the Viet Cong; they took a nap from noon until 3 PM everyday. They were scared and tried to get on his helicopter to leave combat zones.
What did the Soviet Union send to help Vietnam? Cruise missiles.
How did “Soviet propaganda” present the Vietnam War? As an example of American imperialists battling against brave freedom fighters.
What kinds of jobs did the Volunteer Youth Corps do? Cut down trees, cleared and leveled trails, filled in bomb craters, defused unexploded bombs.
What was 1 thing that members ate? Crabs, fungus and moss, ginseng tea.
What, according to Hegelheimer, did most soldiers on the way to Vietnam do during the “1st leg” of the flight? Wrote letters or bragged.
What was the difference between the ‘top of the ramp and the bottom’ once they arrived in Vietnam? The top of the ramp was the rest of the world and safety, the bottom was the war.
How does Hegelheimer describe the flights home from Vietnam when they had veterans onboard who had finished their tour of duty? She says that it was very quiet and that some reached across the aisle and shook hands.
How did the veterans look on the way home compared to when they were first arriving? They had lost their youth - it was gone; there was a different look in their eyes.
What did Rostow say had to be done in order to win the Vietnam Wa Cut the Ho Chi Minh Trail.
Why did President Johnson reject Rostow’s idea to “take the Vietnamese city of Vinh hostage”? “He felt the rules of engagement should remain: Americans should not cross the South Vietnamese border on the ground.”
What did Dr. Dai use for a scalpel when there wasn’t one available? He used scrap metal from unexploded bombs, shell casings or pieces of aluminum from planes that had been shot down.
What were 70% of his patients suffering from? Noncombat - related diseases like malaria.
What kinds of weapons caused the most combat injuries? Small fragments from cluster bombs and a wide variety of land mines.
What was their “soil, water, and food” contaminated with during the war? Dioxin
What do triage officers do? Separate out casualties to determine what needed to be done first, in what order of priority.
What did he say he saw Marines doing before missions? Reading comic books.
Why did wounded soldiers survive “if you got them stabilized”? They were in perfect physical shape.
What did he see an elderly Vietnamese man doing when he was “walking down the street in Danang” one day? Making flower vases out of spent 105 mm Howitzer shells.
What does “Vietnamization” mean/ refer to? the US policy of withdrawing its troops and transferring the responsibility and direction of the war effort to the government of South Vietnam.
Why did President Nixon escalate the war in 1970? Because Cambodia was a protected sanctuary for Communist troops.
What does COSVN stand for? Central Office for South Vietnam.
Why, according to Langguth, “weren’t the South Vietnamese (ARVN) up to the job”? They didn’t have what they needed to win battles.
Why were ARVN soldiers looting while they were in Cambodia? Because they only got paid 6,000 piasters.
Why did most VC escape during their (ARVN’s) “one major battle during the Cambodian invasion”? The ARVN did not pursue the enemy after making contact.
Why was the North Vietnamese Army able to win the Vietnam War according to Tran? Because the North was able to mobilize southerners as well as northerners to fight what they called the “American invasion”.
What happened to Tran’s family when the U.S. sprayed defoliants? It killed his grandpa’s coconut plantation, their only source of income.
Why did Tran’s commander wait until 1 or 2 am to send them out on ambushes? That was when the guerillas (Communist VC soldiers) went to villages to get supplies.
Why, according to Tran, did having U.S. soldiers in Vietnam “destroy (their) economy and social fabric”? 90% of the population had relied on land but people couldn’t grow crops during the war, so they moved to cities.
What does Tran Van Ban say they did whenever they found Americans who had been killed? They buried them properly.
Why did he say they did this? Because they realized American parents grieved for their children and now they want to heal wounds.
Why are burial sites hard to locate according to Tran? Tanks flattened markers they left and the sites have been heavily bombed.
What did Tom Corey ask members of the VVA to do once they got back from their trip to Vietnam in 1993? To turn over any personal items taken from Vietnamese bodies and to give info./maps showing locations of grave sites.
Why do some Americans believe their family member is being held captive even though the remains are returned? They say that the Vietnamese lied about not torturing American POW’s they can’t be trusted about the identity of the remains.
Why was Tom Corey angry when he watched people protesting the war on TV? Because he had friends who were still fighting.
What happened to the other 2 veterans who had spinal cord injuries that he shared a room with at the Memphis VA Hospital? They committed suicide.
Created by: abby.etchison
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