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Section 3

The Coming of War

Hitler's Stated Aims - To unite all German speaking people under his rule - Lebensraum for the German people - Restore Germany as a great power
Lebensraum Living space
Treaty of Versailles *L*and *A*rmy *M*oney *B*lame
Anschluss Union
August 1934 Hitler became Fuhrer of Germany
January 1934- Non-Aggression Pact Was supposed to last for 10 years, seemed to be that Hitler would not try and take back the Polish Corridor, making him seem a man of peace not war.
July 1934- Failure of Anschluss Failed to establish a union between Austria and Germany.
June 1935- Anglo German Naval Pact Limited Germany's navy to 35% of the British Navy
1935 Saar Plebiscite SP was a region of Germany that voted to return to German control rather than that of the League of Nations.
March 1935- Rearmament Programme Announced Hitler began to secretly build up Germany's armies once again and build military aircraft.
May 1935- Franco Soviet Pact Made Hitler feel 'encircled' and vulnerable as, without re-militarisation, Germany could not protect its border with France.
March 1936- Re-militarisation of the Rhineland German troops were sent to the Rhineland, Hitler did not withdraw when French troops were sighted near the border. A 25 year no aggression pact was offered to B & F, B & F condemned the re-militarisation but didn't reverse it or see it as an act of war.
March 1938- Anschluss with Austria German soldiers entered Austria, opponents of this were eliminated or sent to concentration camps. Hitler took control of the Austrian government and Anschluss was proclaimed.
1938- Sudetenland Crisis Germany wanted control of the raw material rich and heavily fortified Sudetenland, Czechoslovakia couldn't afford to lose it. With the help of Britain and France, Czechoslovakia was forced to sign an agreement making the Sudetenland part of Germany.
September 1938- Munich Agreement - Sudetenland becomes part of Germany - Britain and France guarantee the independence of the rest of Czechoslovakia. - If the Czechs decide to fight this, they would be alone. - Hitler and N Chamberlain sign a declaration that B and G never go to war.
Appeasement A policy of making concessions to an aggressor in the hopes of avoiding war. Associated with Neville Chamberlain's policy of making concessions to Adolf Hitler.
ARP Wardens Air Raid Protection wardens: people who enforced ARPs (eg blackout, gas masks, shelters) designed to protect civilians during air raids.
Air Raid Defences Britain had a sophisticated Radar system and anti-aircraft guns capable of firing at a height of two miles above ground. Barrage Balloons denied enemy aircraft low-level airspace, forcing them to fly higher.
Reserved Occupations Types of employment deemed essential for the war effort, these included jobs such as farmers, miners, school teachers, doctors etc, these people could not be conscripted.
Conscription Makes it compulsory for men between certain ages to join the armed forces.
Air Raid Shelters Types include Anderson Shelters (dug in gardens) Safe rooms could be constructed in cellars and communal shelters such as the London Underground were also used.
Rearmament and Preparations By the time Britain declared war on Germany they had plan for war that could last up to 3 years.
Created by: carts
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