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Egypt Vocab

Nile River The longest river in the world, flowing mainly through Egypt (called Giver & Taker of life)
Lower Egypt The northern region of ancient Egypt (located downriver)
Delta A triangle-shaped area of land made from soil deposited by a river
Dynasty Series of rulers from the same family (Egypt had 30 in its 2500 year span of power)
Nobles People from rich and powerful families (2nd highest social ranking)
Mummies Specially treated bodies wrapped in cloth (a way to preserve the body for use in the afterlife)
Upper Egypt The southern region of ancient Egypt (located upriver)
Cataracts River rapids, the Nile had six of them making travel difficult in places
Pharaoh Title used by the rulers of ancient Egypt, Ruled Egypt as a god (highest social ranking)
Old Kingdon Time period in Egyptian history that lasted from about 2700 to 2200 BC (started with 3rd dynasty) (Pyramid builders)
Afterlift Life after death (happy place for Egyptians to continue enjoying material things like art, jewelry & food placed in their tombs)
Elite People of wealth and power (only ones who could have mummies made)
Pyramids Huge, stone tombs with four triangle-shaped sides that met in a point on top
Middle Kingdom In Ancient Egypt, a period of order and stability that lasted from about 2050 or 1750 BC
Kush A kingdom overtaken by Egypt during the period of the New Kingdon (South of Egypt)
Hieroglyphics The sophisticated Egyptian writing system
Rosetta Stone A huge, stone slab inscribed with hieroglyphics & Greek text discovered in 1799 helping scholars translate hieroglyphics
Obelisk A tall, four-sided pillar that is pointed on top (often decorated temples)
Engineering The application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes
New Kingdom The period between 1550 and 1050 BC, when Egypt reached its height of power and glory (Empire building & trade)
Trade Routes Paths followed by traders (linked Egypt to the Middle East)
Papyrus A long-lasting paper like material made from reeds
Sphinxes Imaginary creatures with the bodies of lions and the heads of other animals or humans
Menes Credited as firth pharaoh of Egypt by uniting lower and upper Egypt & starting first dynasty.
Created by: 27showalterd
Popular History sets




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