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Ancient Rome 8-2

Plebeians A group of people consisting of artisans, shopkeepers and owners of small farms. Most of Rome’s people belonged to this social class
Patricians A social class consisting of wealthy landowners. These noble’s made up Rome’s ruling class.
Tripartite A form of government that has three parts. One group runs the government, another group makes the laws and the third group acts as judges. Ruled by a group of representatives chosen by the people.
Consuls Top government officials in the Roman Republic. They headed the army and ran the government.
Representatives People chosen to act and speak on behalf of a larger group.
Senate A select group of 300 patrician men who served for life. This group of men proposed laws, held debates and approved building projects.
Veto The power to reject another person’s decision. This kept the consuls from gaining too much power in Rome. Means “I forbid” in Latin.
Praetors Important Roman officials whose main job was to interpret the law and act as judges in a court.
Tribunes A person who brought plebeian concerns to the government’s attention.
Dictator An oppressive ruler with complete control over the state. In Rome this person served the people and ruled on a temporary basis.
Twelve Tables Rome’s first code of laws, adopted about 451 BCE. These laws were carved on bronze tablets and placed in Rome’s marketplace for all to see.
Carthage A powerful rival to Rome located in the Mediterranean area on the coast of North Africa. This was a great trading empire founded by the Phoenicians in 800 BCE.
Punic War A series of three wars between Carthage and Rome for control of land in the Mediterranean area.
Created by: koropeza
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