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SSA 8th Grade Review

SSA Review for 8th Grade

1. What body systems are interacting when you run to class after the late bell and how? The body system that are interacting with each other is the circulatory rushes the blood throughout your body, while your lungs are breathing in oxygen and your excretory tries to maintain a normal body temperature through sweat.
2. Which infectious agent is unicellular, prokaryotic, and can be cured with antibiotics? This infectious agent is called bacteria.
3. Which infectious agent is caused by a multicellular organism and spreads with spores? This infectious agent is called fungus.
4. What is unique about parasitic infections Parasitic infections are when parasites are in or on it's host (organism such as a human) and it takes nutrients from its host to live. The host (the organism) will eventually lack nutrients and the body will slowly start to malfunction.
5. Which infectious agent is non-living? This infectious agent is called a virus.
6. What are 3 structures that are different in plant and animal cells? The three structures that are different in plant and animal cells are chloroplast (only in plants), cell wall (only in plants), and vacuoles (plants have a much larger vacuole compared to animals).
7. From smallest to largest, list the hierarchy of living things. Smallest: 1. Atom - Ex: Hydrogen 2. Molecule - Ex: Water 3. Organelle - Ex: Nucleus 4. Cell - Ex: Neuron 5. Tissue - Ex: Nervous Tissue 6. Organ - Ex: Brain 7. Organ System - Ex: Nervous System 8. Organism - Ex: Human
8. What are 3 parts of the cell theory? 1. Cells are the basic unit of life. 2. All living things are made of cells. 3. All cells come from preexisting cells.
1. If you cross homozygous dominant mother with a homozygous recessive father, what will the genotype of the offspring be? Heterozygous
2. What's your mnemonic for the classification system & what does each word stand for? 1. Domain - Did 2. Kingdom - King 3. Phylum - Phillip 4. Class - Come 5. Order - Over 6. Families - For 7. Genus - Good 8. Species - Spaghetti
3. What are 2 kinds of evidence scientists have for evolution by natural selection? 1. Homologous Structures 2. Fossil Records
4. What are the 5 Spheres (what's in each one)? 1. Hydrosphere - Water 2. Atmosphere - Air 3. Biosphere - Life 4. Geosphere - Earth 5. Cryosphere - Ice
5. What are 5 ways humans negatively impact the environment. 1. Deforestation 2. Desertification 3. Pollution 4. Fossil Fuels 5. Urbanization
6. How are the 3 types of rocks in the rock cycle formed? 1. Sediments; compaction and cementation - Sedimentary rocks 2. Lava/Magma; melting and cooling - Igneous 3. Heat and Pressure - Metamorphic
7. What are the 4 ways Earth’s surface is built up and torn down over time? 1. Erosion 2. Physical Weathering 3. Chemical Weathering 3. Deposition
8. Name 5 landforms we see in Florida. 1. Rivers 2. Coastlines 3. Dunes 4. Lakes 5. Delta
9. What are distinct characteristics of the 3 Domains? 1. Eukarya - Fungi, Protista, Animalia, Plantae; nucleus, and membrane bounded 2. Bacteria - Eubacteria; single celled, no nucleus, no membrane organelles, cell wall, can be everywhere 3. Archaea - Archaebacteria; single celled, no nucleus, very extreme
Created by: 4804169154
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