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CIV M4 Review

Civics Module 4 Review

Civic Duties Required acts that citizens of a country must follow and are enforced by law.
Civic Responsibilities Rights and privileges that citizens may choose to practice.
Naturalization The process of making someone a citizen of a country where they were not born.
Voter Registration The process of applying/registering to vote.
Civic Activism Being an active citizen who takes steps towards improving the community.
Vote Expressing a choice or opinion in an election.
Protest Words or actions that show disapproval.
Activist A person who takes action to help bring about change in government.
Jury A group of twelve citizens who are sworn to decide whether someone is guilty or not guilty based on the evidence they hear in court.
Tax A fee people are required to pay the government when buying things.
Selective Service The U.S. process of selecting men for service in the military.
Citizen A person in a government system.
Alien Someone who belongs to a different country and is not a U.S. citizen.
14th Amendment Defined citizenship, established due process, established equal protection under the law.
National Identity Things that help identify a person to their country including language, culture, and traditions.
Income Money you earn from a job or get by another source over a period of time.
Income Tax A tax that a person pays the government on their earned and unearned income.
Sales Tax A tax people are required to pay the government based on items they purchase.
Property Tax A tax people are required to pay the government based on the property they own.
Tax A fee people are required to pay the government when buying things.
Government Services Services that are paid for by the government and benefit the public.
Public Interest What is best for society as a whole.
16th Amendment Amendment that created an income tax.
Bill of Rights The first ten amendments to the Constitution ensuring people's individual rights.
14th Amendment Defined citizenship, established due process, established equal protection under the law.
15th Amendment Established the right to vote to all male citizens, including black males, regardless of race or previous condition of servitude.
19th Amendment A constitutional amendment passed in 1919 that became law in 1920 and gave women the right to vote.
24th Amendment This amendment to the U.S. Constitution made poll taxes illegal.
Poll Tax Fees people had to pay in order to vote.
26th Amendment Amendment that lowered the voting age to 18.
Citizenship Having the rights and privileges of a member of a country.
Civil Rights Rights guaranteed to all citizens by the Constitution, regardless of race or gender.
Woman's Suffrage The right for women to vote.
Equal Protection Guarantee that all citizens be treated the same
Equal Rights The same privileges regardless of differences, like race.
Judicial Review The power of the Supreme Court to decide if the other branches have done something that is unconstitutional.
Marbury vs. Madison The case that established the policy of judicial review to check the actions of the other branches of government.
Appeal The request for a higher level court to review and reverse a decision made by a lower level court.
Plessy vs. Ferguson Supreme Court case that determined the Separate but Equal Clause.
Segregation The separation of groups, like keeping groups of people separate because their races are different.
Brown vs. Board of Education Supreme Court case that desegregated Schools.
Tinker vs. Des Moines Supreme Court case where students wore wrist bands to protest war as a sign of freedom of speech and the school could not stop this.
Equal Protection Guarantee that all citizens be treated the same.
Landmark Court Case A case tried by the Supreme Court that is later studied for its importance in upholding the laws of the Constitution.
Created by: dmcsorley13
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