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CE U3: Poli Process

Political Process (Part 2)

How can someone register to vote in the state of Virginia? In person at the registrar's office, at the DMV, by mail, or at voter registration drives.
How are the major political parties different? Parties express different views on issues which are stated in the party platform and stated by candidates in the campaign.
How does the electoral college effect the voting outcome? The result is a "winner take all system." Each state gives all of its electoral votes to one candidate.
Rising campaign costs require candidates to conduct extensive ______________ activities. Fund raising
Every vote is ____________. Important
Newspapers, TV, the internet, and any ways information is distributed to the public. The media
In a winner-take-all system, why should candidates pay attention to smaller states? In a tight race, the electoral votes of small sates could make the difference between winning or losing.
When does voter registration close? 22 days before the election.
Political parties play a key role in government and provide opportunities for citizens to ______________ in the electoral process. Participate
The number of citizens who register and vote in related to __________________. How important the election issues are to citizens.
What determines the number of electors given to each state? The state's congressional representation.
How does the electoral college favor a two-party system? A 3rd party may get a substantial number of votes in each state but end up with 0 electoral votes.
Which type of election usually has the greatest voter participation? National elections
Is running for office expensive or inexpensive? Expensive
The ___________________ process is used to select the President and Vice President of the United States. Electoral college
What are the qualifications to register to vote in Virginia? Must be a U.S citizen, a VA resident, and 18 years old by election day.
How do third parties differ from the two major political parties? Introduce new ideas or press for a particular issue, they usually revolve around a political personality.
rising campaign costs encourage the development of ______________. Political Action Committees (PACs)
How do citizens make informed choices among candidates in elections? Evaluate information presented in political campaigns, looking for bias and accuracy.
How does the "winner take all" system effect how candidates campaign? Candidates target large states with the greatest number of electoral votes.
The high cost of getting elected gives an advantage to _______________ candidates. Wealthy
How are the major political parties similar? Both influence public policies, both reflect both liberal and conservative views, both win majority support by appealing to the political center.
How does the electoral college select the President of the United States? The slate of electors for each state is chosen by popular vote during the general election; the electors meet to vote for president and vice president.
If the third parties rarely win, why are they important? They introduce new ideas and sometimes influence the outcome for other candidates.
Third parties ______________ win election, but they play an important role. Rarely
What are the functions of political parties? Recruiting and nominating candidates; educating the electorate about campaign issues; helping candidates win elections; monitoring actions of officeholders.
The American political process is characterized by a _________________ system. Two-party
What do PACs do? Raise and spend money to either elect or defeat a political candidate.
Due to rising campaign costs, campaign finance reform laws have been passed which limit ______________________. The amount individuals can contribute to political candidates and campaigns.
Rising campaign costs have led to efforts to reform __________________. Campaign finance laws
What are some of the strategies for evaluating campaign speeches, literature, and advertisements for accuracy? Voters should try to separate fact from opinion; look for bias; evaluate sources; identify propaganda.
Why do citizens often fail to vote? Lack of interest; failure to register
Which President ran as a third party candidate? Theodore Roosevelt (Bull Moose Party)
What role does the media play in the political process? Familiarize the public with the candidates; emphasizes certain selected issues; express opinions in editorials, political cartoons,op-ed pieces; broadcast different points of view.
What is required before a citizen can vote? Voter registration
What are the factors in predicting which citizens will vote? Education, age, and income
Created by: ElliottED
Popular American Government sets




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