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Ancient Origins

bias A point of view that is personal, rather than scientific.
chronological order (Time Order) Events are arranged in the order in which they happened
latitude Distance north or south of the equator
longitude Distance east or west of the prime meridian
Hieroglyphics An ancient Egyptian writing system in which pictures were used to represent ideas and sounds
equator An imaginary circle around the middle of the earth, halfway between the North Pole and the South Pole
prime meridian a planet's meridian adopted as the zero of longitude.
absolute location The exact position of a place on the earth using coordinates.
relative location where a place is located in relation to another place
geography the study of the earth's physical and cultural features
nomad A person who moves from place to place in search of food
primary resource first hand account of an event
secondary resource sources that were written about an event after it occurred
agriculture farming
civilization A society with cities, a central government, job specialization, and social classes
fertile Able to produce good crops
scarcity Limited quantities of resources
surplus more than what is needed
specialization the development of skills in a specific kind of work
silt fertile soil deposited by a river
natural resources Materials or substances such as minerals, forests, water, and fertile land that occur in nature
artisans skilled workers who make goods by hand
nobles A member of a ruling family or one of high rank.
urbanization the growth of cities
globe a round model of the Earth
aerial photography the use of aircraft to take pictures
physical maps maps that use colors to show the elevation of different areas
coordinates locations measured in degrees of latitude and longitude
century 100-year time period
decade 10-year time period
millennium 1000-year time period
GPS Global Positioning System; a system for navigation that uses satellites to determine latitude and longitude
origin the place where something begins, where it comes into being
historians people who study what has happened in the past
hunter-gatherers a person who lives by hunting wild animals and collecting edible plants
migration when animals move from one region to another, usually when seasons change
domestication the process of changing the growth of plants or behavior of animals to be useful for humans
bronze a mixture of copper and tin
clan a large family group with a common ancestor
city-state a self-governing city that also controls surrounding villages
Neolithic Revolution the first agricultural revolution in which humans moved from hunting and gathering to agriculture and settlement
innovations new inventions or ways of doing something
timeline a diagram that shows when events took place during a given period of time
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