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chapter 1 review

Spain settlization first to arrive/ settle in the U.S. (st. Augustine) moved across to areas of southwest and CA- 1500's
French settlization mainly settled in Canada, along Mississippi River- 1600's
dutch settlization established new Amsterdam and started farms around the Hudson River- 1600's
English settlization atlantic coast, formed us colonies- 1600's
africa settlization they were traded or sold as slaves in the American colonies
Where did the concept of citizenship originate? rome and greece
responsible citizens should inform officials of what? their needs and disagreements
What is the maximum quota on immigration into the U.S? 140,000 per year
What is the difference between Resident and non resident legal aliens? Legal resident aliens are here permanently while nonresident legal aliens are only here for a short period of time
What is the primary source o fAfrican American immigration to the U.S. slavery
What two groups of people revolutionized and modernized the concept of traditional citizenship practices? america and French
what are the roles and qualities of of a good citizen? voting, staying informed, informing officials of need or disagreements, studying civics to understand the role of government, respecting the rights of others, responsibly using natural resources
What are the two ways to gain American citizenship? birth and special legalized process
What is the concept of the greek direct democracy? all citizens meet and discuss government matters and voted to decide what to do
who were the first people to come and settle in north america? spain- 1500's
What do we know about the vikings? they arrived in in 1000 A.D. but didn't settle
what is the differences between domestic and foreign policy? a domestic policy is an administrative decision the is directly related to all issues and activities within a nation's borders while a foreign policy is th away a government advances it's interest in world politics
which level of government advances it's interest in world politics? national/federal government
which group contains perfect examples of totalitarian rule joseph stalin, Adolf hitler, Kim-Jong-Un
what are the five requirements that applicant of citizenship/ naturalization have to meet before actually applying? 18 years or older, thy must be a lawful permanent resident for five years, they must be able to read, write, and speak English, good moral character, show an understanding of U.S. civics
List your duties obeying law, paying taxes, defending the nation, jury duty, and attending school
list your responsibilities being an informed and active citizen, respecting your neighbor's rights, contributing to the common good
what type of government is north korea dictatorship
what are the ways to lose citizenship expatriation, denaturalization, and conviction of serious crimes/ offense
Whats the difference between republic and constitutional monarchy republics have a role in choosing who will be the head of the state while constitutional monarchy is when the hereditary ruler is limited by the country's constitution and laws. Republics have a president and constitutional monarchy have kings and queens
Created by: delaneyferris
Popular History sets




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