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Chapter 11 in US History

Was Teddy Roosevelt a Rough Rider? Yes
What was Yellow Journalism? Propoganda used to increase sympathy for Cubans
What is a Sphere Of Influence? Political and Economical control outside of your country
What was the Great War? WWI
Why did the U.S. enter the Great War? Germany's U-boat attacks.
What is a Selective Service? A military draft
What were Liberty Bonds? Loans to the gov't to finance war.
What is the League Of Nations? A world organization to ensure peace.
What did the Treaty Of Versailles do? ended the Great War
What was the De Lome letter? A letter from a spanish guy insulting the president.
What was the U.S.S Maine? was a boat sttioned in Cuba. It was supposidly blown up by the Spanish, causing the Spanish American war.
What was the Lusitania? A boat that was shot at by a U-Boat off the coast of Ireland. 1,198 people were killed, 128 were American.
What did the Open Door Policy do? Gave equal trading rights to Africa and China.
What year did the U.S. annex Hawaii? 1898
What is Annexation? The addition of a new territory to another country.
What was the Espionage Act of 1917? It stated that it was illegal to interfere with military operations.
What was the Sedition Act of 1918? It stated that it was illegal to speak or write against the government, Military, Constitution or the President during war time
What is foreign policy? Issues with other countries
What is domestic policy? Issues at home.
What are civil liberties? Human rights.
What two things made the American public angry? Germany's submarine warfare and the Zimmerman note.
What did the U.S. do to Cuba's new constitution? the Platt Amendment.
Created by: chrissypfusch
Popular U.S. History sets




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