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Social Studies

Roman Republic

Patrician Wealthy, landowners, aristocrats, citizens of Rome
Plebeians Middle class - landowners, merchants, citizens of Rome
Leberti Freedman, not a citizen
Slave Not free, considered property. Not allowed to buy their freedom or be freed by their owners.
Polytheistic Worships more than one god
Jupiter (Roman) Zeus (Greek) Head of all gods
Juno (Roman) Hera (Greek) Wife of Jupiter, protector of women and children
Neptune (Roman) Poseidon (Greek) God of the sea
Mars (Roman) Ares (Greek) God of war
Pluto (Roman) Hades (Greek) God of the underworld
Mercury (Roman) Hermes (Greek) Messenger god
Venus (Roman) Aphrodite (Greek) Goddess of love
Tripartite government Government with three branches
Checks and Balances System to make sure no one branch of government was more powerful than another
Magistrates Member of Roman tripartite government; elected civil officer or judge
Assemblies Member of Roman tripartite government; responsible for electing magistrates
Senate Member of Roman tripartite government; responsible for advising leaders of the city. Most powerful in Rome; 300 members. Appointed Censors, served for live. Wealthiest, aristocrats. Advised and nominated Consuls.
Consul Type of magistrate; appointed for 1 year term. 2 members. ran government, commanded army.
Dictator Type of magistrate; appointed by Consul during times of war or crisis. Supreme authority for up to 6 months. Controlled courts and army.
Tribune 10 members, elected by Plebeian council, advocated for Plebeian needs, could not be arrested
Censor 2 members, registered and kept list of all Roman citizens. Appointed candidates to the Senate.
Praetor 8 members. Judges. In war, commanded the army.
Aediles City managers; set Roman standards of public behavior.
Quaestors 20 members, managed treasury. (think: QUARTERS = money)
Centuriate Soldier's assembly. 1 vote per 100 men. Passed laws, declared war, made peace. Elected Censors, Consuls, and Praetors.
Tribal Assembly Made up of Patrician and Plebeians. Determined by region where you lived. 1 region = 1 vote. Elected Aediles and Quaestors.
Order of Plebeian Rebellion of Plebeian class. Increased Plebeian class rights. Created Plebeian Council.
Plebeian Council Elected Tribunes. Made laws for Plebeian class.
Military Citizens required to serve between age 17 and age 45. Small salary plus spoils of war. Served 20-25 years. Received plot of land and allowed to marry once retired.
Legionaires Citizen soldiers; had to provide their own gear and armor.
Legion Military grouping with 3,000-6,000 soldiers
Cohort Military grouping with about 500 soldiers
Century Military grouping with 80-120 soldiers
Infantry Military grouping with 8 soldiers
Auxiliary Military grouping that included non-citizens who served for 25 years and then became full Roman citizens.
New soldier Bad jobs - clean latrines, stoke the furnace. Marched 20 miles per day, carried 60 pounds of equipment and supplies.
Experienced soldier Good jobs - surveyors, hunters, masons. Marched 20 miles per day, carried 60 pounds of equipment and supplies.
Created by: carteranderson
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