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Sensory Analysis

What is sensory analysis? A scientific discipline used to measure, analyse and reactions to the characteristics of food, perceived by our senses
What is organoleptic properties? Are the sensory properties of food that are detected by he sense organs.
Why is sensory analysis used in the food industry? New products, Modifications, Own brand, Quality assurance
What are the conditions necessary for sensory analysis testing? Location, Lighting, Ventilation, Silence, Timing, Test organisers, Special dietary conditions, Hygiene and food safety, Containers, Food Samples etc
What are the categories of sensory analysis? Preference tests, Difference tests Descriptive tests
What are types of preference tests? Paired preference tests, Hedonic Rating tests, Preference ranking tests
What are types of Diiference tests? Simple paired tests, Paired comparison tests, Trangle tests
What are types of Descriptive tests? Descriptive ranking tests, Descriptive rating tests
What is a paired preference test? 2 different samples of a food product are given , tester is asked which they prefer.
What is a Hedonic rating test? 1 or more samples of a food product are given, tester tastes the sample and ranks it on how much they like or dislike it
What is a preference ranking test? 2 or more samples of a food product are given tester tastes the samples and rank their preference by placing 1st choice beside the sample etc
What is simple paired test? 2 samples of a food product are given, tester is asked are they the same or different
What is a paired comparison test? 2 different samples of food product are given tester is asked to state the difference between them
What is a triangle test? 3 samples are given 2 of the 3 are identical and tester is asked to which one is the different one
What is a descriptive ranking test? 2 or more samples of a food product is given, tester is asked to rank by preference
What is descriptive rating test? 1 sample product is given tester is asked to rate the sample for pre selected attributes in order to create a sensory profile of the food
What are the types of ways of presenting data? Pie chart, Bar chart, Star diagram
Created by: SarahBonner
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