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Chapter 13:Section 1

Georgia from Confederation to Constitution

For several years, Georgia and the other 12 states lived under their first experiment in self-government. What was it called? A confederation
What problems did the states have with the confederation? Money, trade, and relationships with the other countries and native americans.
For much for tha american revolutin, what was the government of the United States? The Second Continental Congress
What document outlined the way the government operated? The Articles of Confederation
What were the main functions of the Confederation? Defend the country, pay its debts, settle arguments between the states, mantain relationships, and set up postal service for mail
What government is being described? -no executive branch -unicameral -no taxes -no trade -strong state gov. The Conferation
What was the most important issue for citizens? Land
Why did Georgia Loyalist want to return to Great Britain? They learned that Great Britain gave up the East and the West Flordia in the Treaty of Paris.
What is a bounty grant? Soilders in the militia and the Continental army, including those from the other states who had fought for independence in Georgia could recieve land for their serv
What is the headright system? The "head" of each household has the "right" to receive 200 acres of land, plus 50 additional acres for each household member.
What did the growing importance of the areas away from the coast result in? The assembly's decision to move the capital further into the interior.
How long was Augusta the capital of Georgia? Ten years
What new town became capital after Georgia? Louisville
Why was Georgia under increased pressure to get more land from the Indians? Settlers began to fill up the fertile land the Indians gave up in the 1763 and 1773 treaties.
Why was ebstabishing a good relationship with the Indians important? Many of them did not support the American cause for independence
How was the fur trade damaged by the war? Most of the traders were Loyalist, who were now gone or dead.
What argeemment was made between the Cherrokee and Georgians at the meeting at Long Swamp? The Cherrokee agreed to give up land west of the Savannah River and south and west of the Tugalo River.
Why were Georgia's claims to the land in the 1783 Treaty illegal? Alexander McGillian and his followers did not argee to the treaty
When the Cherrokee reconfirmed their argeement, the Lower Creek agreed to give up their claim to the same area, so why didn't the Treaty of 1783 go through? The Upper Creek were totally opposed to ceding more land and would not sign the 1783 Treaty of Augusta.
Why couldn't the conferation The confederation was weak and not much help
During the war the government had many________ but not much_________. expenses; income
Why was Georgia in debt after the war? Citizens had given supplies to the troops. They expected the government to pay them back.
What did the government do to make money since they couldn't tax the states? They asked the states for money to help pay the national debt
What two clans was Alexander McGillian born in? The Clan Chattan of Scotland and the powerful Wind Clan of the Creek.
Created by: bmadison110
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